I’m having the same basic problem (Shortcode breaks up page build-up).
I had a simple page with text, a form, and the a cfdb-table to list selected columns for the data gathered so far.
I updated plugins and wordpress and then the problem started.
(WP now 3.1.1, Contact Form 7 now and CFDB is at 2.2.5).
If I leave the cfdb-table entry in, then all I see on the page is the table column header row. If I remove the cfdb-table entry, then the text and form return.
If I add just a page with the cfdb-table entry it is the same. (Or if I add text after the cfdb-table entry, that does not display either).
Given the removal of a suggestion to comment out code in the plugin, I’m not sure what that means or what the result is once done.
Is there anything I can do to provide context as to where this break occurs?