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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Da Reactions] 4.0.0 changelog + reactions stopped workingConfirmed 4.0.3 is working like a charm.
Thanks again Daniele!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Da Reactions] 4.0.0 changelog + reactions stopped workingHi Daniele,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Ah great I will give that a shot later tonight and get back ton you.
Thanks again for looking into this!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Da Reactions] 4.0.0 changelog + reactions stopped workingGreat Daniele ?? I will send that later today.
Currently at work … so cant generate that now
Thanks in advance for your help!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Da Reactions] 4.0.0 changelog + reactions stopped workingI know, but I dont want to post all that info as such status/debug info contains more then I would like to share wit the entire outside world ?? as you could imagine.
Hence my question how can I send it to you.
Could you let me know?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Da Reactions] 4.0.0 changelog + reactions stopped workingHi @danielealessandra sadly I saw no reply. But can you let me know how to send you this info?
No prob Jakir, I have all the faith in the world in you guys ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Da Reactions] 4.0.0 changelog + reactions stopped workingHi Daniele,
Thanks for the quick and crystal clear reply ?? Much appreciated for sure!
Ah nice changes, not using but have used WPFORO in the past. And the Analytic insight about reactions are also great to see.
When it comes to licenses; I have bought Da Reactions on both Codecanyon and Freemius. So I should be good I guess ??
But good and clear to know you will be moving away from Envato. But my main things was … I could not find the patch notes on any of the ‘proper’ places. But that has been provided here so all is good ??In regard to the issue no harm, it happens every now and again. And can of course be a plethora of thing in the WP cocktail I am using.
Ok good advice on the check, much appreciated but my frontend check / method should not be working if something was incorrect, but that is why I checked the preview option in /wp-admin/admin.php?page=da-reactions_graphic_settings. But there it also did not render with 4.0.0
As for additional info sure no prob, let me provide you with all I can share by dm as the site_diag also gives some insight I might not publicly want to share with anyone.
EDIT: Ah .. I always though the Plugin Directory had such an option. Could you let me know how I can best send you that info?Feel free to let me know if you need any additional info!
- This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Patrick_D1985.
Ok let me get back to you guys with this;
3.06 is working fine …
4.0.0 crashes the front-end for me.So here is 3.0.6;
Not sure why 4.0.0 is crashing again … do hope WP Pool gets this and the closure resolved.Well, let me make that an option then;
Keep in mind that this is just the basic link structure for how these plugins become available. I just looked up the changelog;= 4.0.0 – 03 JAN 2023 =
- FIXED: All security issues has been resolved
- IMPROVE: Strickly followed PHPCS and WPCS as coding standard
- FIXED: Three shortcode can be used now on free version
- FIXED: Dark mode can be used on Elementor and Gutenberg block editor
= 3.0.6 – 28 DEC 2022 =
- Fixed wppool sdk missing fatal error.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Patrick_D1985.
“This plugin has been closed as of December 28, 2022 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.”
That is a bit harsh, I guess WP Plugin directory did that. Not sure why as this was fixed pretty quick and I have seen way badder experience, practices etc on other plugins in the past where they did nothing at all.
Hope that gets resolved soon .But for now, could you offer a 3.0.6. link here? (Not sure if the plugin directory would allow that though, which they kinda should as it’s just bad not being able to offer a fix)
Thanks again for looking into this guys!
As a pro user I can also confirm the 3.05 base plugin critical errors multiple installs. Will revert to 3.04 as noted. But hope you can look into this as others mentioned.
@haseeb0001 trust me this comment goes a long way ??
Just being clear about what way you are going and what happened means a lot. Thanks for that. If you go the more WooCommerce route, please keep the original an option. I for one and it seems more, really like it and will keep using it if at all possible.
Thanks again for getting back on this!
@haseeb0001 this seems fixed now.
Works without WooCommerce, Admin menu item displays again, test mail is ok.The fix is welcome and all, but more concerning is the lack of addressing the why and how this was pushed in the first place. If this was tested on anything without WooCommerce the issue would have been clear. Not addressing any user concern .. is not re-winning trust .. . which should also be happening here.
So as stated, was this overlooked, was this pushed to early … or what? Just give it some form of feedback at all besides ‘the error is fixed’. (or dont’ either way your decision, just saying it created understanding etc.)
Hi @sophiaknows I think you should check this topic out;
@emiubaldi totally agree, if there was any clear reason as to making such a change, an announcement, a fork of the plugin or basically whatever it would have been clear and we all would not even be here talking about it.
Not sure why they went about it like they did, but in the world of wordpress, you can have a loving support base as long as you are always transparant on why, how etc. There are enough examples in the history of wordpres where plugins, just decided to change things without prior notice or change owners and then things went a different route an all.
I’m all for calling a spade a spade, own up to everything you do .. if its bad, if its good.But if this was tested, I can not imagine this was not found out before. And sure there might have been a mixup or something … but if you see people noting all the same issue, and some even went out of their way and have looked into the code just a bit, noting having to test this on a staging site … well it is simply out of the scope of what is occuring.
Dont get me wrong I love the initial plugin for all it has done in the past and probably will continue to do in the future. But I just find it outright absurd what was pushed as an update here. So I do hope there is some form of explanation as to what happened. Because this last update experience simply put was a bad experience for probably a reasonable percentage of the install base.
As a developer, you have to earn the trust of user first to get them to use your plugin.code. And along the way people will most likely remember your missteps more then what you have done right when it comes to releases. All I’m complaining about I guess is … come clean, own up the misttake, dont sugar coat it. Because that will restore trust better then anything else.Anyway as noted hope, they can clear up what happend and / or why. And let’s hope the plugin keeps it original functionality as that has been wonderful for years.