Patrick Garman
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Payment Gateways don't workHI – looks like its because your getting a 500 error in your ajax request.
If you have a way to view your PHP error logs you may be able to track down where the error came from.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Testimonials by WooThemes] add testimonials to categories pageHi Scruffy1 – have you tried using the shortcode? I assume you are creating your static pages using WooCommerce shortcodes as well, so this could go right below the other.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Testimonials by WooThemes] shortcode does not workHi xorred – actually id is only to show a specific item, it is not meant to take a comma separated list. As it says in the notes, display a specific list item.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [EDD Beta Tester] php notices and warningsThanks for reporting, guess that’s what I get for changing the constants at the last minute ?? Will fix in the next update.
Hi piano08man,
Custom colors are planned, but disabling the defaults are not as that would cause issues with the core of WooCommerce. Possibly the ability to rename them, but no promises ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: youtube player that counts views?Old post, but just published my YouTube plugin.
Are you not wanting to use the actual YouTube views count?
I’ll keep you posted. Translations are always good.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Events Calendar] [Plugin: WP Events Calendar] Hope This Gets DevelopedHello nvg
I have a need for the calendar as well! Which is exactly why I stopped looking and started this one myself. It really wasn’t supposed to be committed yet, but hit the wrong button and realized the next day it had over 100 downloads already so rather than leave them out to dry I’m just going to add featured from now on and this is 1.0
If you have any specific ideas for features or anything of that sort that you would like go here…
I’m trying to get feature requests/bug reports/etc out of my email and somewhere that people can collaborate together. If you suggest an idea, others can vote on it and also find out what has already been suggested.
Hello Diogo15… I will get some up there, like the description says it is still in the works so you can use it and build your own custom loops from the custom post type but nothing is built in yet.
I will have the widgets, shortcodes, and a page template ready soon and will add some screenshots at that time.
Thanks for your interest!
The multi-DB feature should not be any problem. Since everything is handled by the WPDB class and standard WP functions… you’re fine using multiple databases. You may have a users table across 5 databases but the ID’s and email address are still all unique.
What about this plugin? like the perfect solution? Central user base for multiple networks.
Like I said the problem is the mixing of user databases. If you have it in a “multi-site” network install it would work for sure.
At most you would simply need to ensure that users are listed as “users” across all the sites you want them to access the Zendesk through.
Does that make sense?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wordpress Zendesk] [Plugin: WordPress Zendesk] Multisite Support?It will work fine because even with 100 blogs on the same platform, each user across all of them have a unique external ID and can’t use the same email address. Each user can actually sign into 100 unique Zendesks with their same info for each of the 100 sites because of the way Multi-site works.
You (SiteA) are network admin who manages your Zendesk
SiteB has an admin who can access your Zendesk as a USER but also setup their OWN Zendesk and be an admin.
SiteC has an admin who can ADMIN their OWN Zendesk but also access SiteA AND SiteBs Zendesks as a user.
I think that answers your question ??
It MAY work, however the problem lies in the multiple users from different databases merging into a single Zendesk. Also Zendesk has to know where to send users to login and where to redirect on logout. So there will only be one MAIN site you are working with.
Keep in mind..
— if you send external ID’s you will have multiple users with the same ID, three blogs mean three admins with user ID# 1 … if three blogs with different users all have the same ID# 2. Each time someone logs into Zendesk it will overwrite their info
— if you don’t send external IDs you have a better chance of it working since it only checks email addresses to login.This is all assuming there is nothing on the Zendesk end restricting to the same site. Don’t remember how their APIs work off hand.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wordpress Zendesk] [Plugin: WordPress Zendesk] Host MappingThe plugin SHOULD support it now — are you having issues with the host mapping feature?
The options page probably isn’t as obvious as it should be.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wordpress Zendesk] [Plugin: WordPress Zendesk] Multisite Support?Sorry Mark misunderstood you at first… I thought you were referring to it simply working for all your network sites individually. I’d be glad to create a plugin that has the functionality you are looking for though.