I have one critical problem that’s keeping me from using Flare at all: it breaks the formatting of my posts when I activate the plugin.
Specifically, when I activate it, it eliminates the word-wrap of text around the featured image, even if I DON’T have the plugin display at the top of the post. That means my featured images appear with a huge block of white nothingness, then the text appears below the image rather than starting to the right of the image as it should.
I’d like to have the plugin display the vertical side position and above and below IF I could place the code manually so it would stop breaking the text wrap. Is there any advice on how to fix this?
Here’s a typical post to show you what I mean: https://www.patrickkphillips.com/2013/10/16/shoppers-strip-shelves-ebt-glitch-theft/
(The plugin, at this moment, is NOT activated, but you can at least see how the text is supposed to wrap around the image.)
I appreciate any information.