Forum Replies Created
Peter, I think I might be looking for an example showing the use of a view in combination with a bit of php code.
You’ve mentioned elsewhere the possibility of initiating the writing of a table using the following:
$wpdadb = WPDADB::get_db_connection( ‘your-schema-name-goes-here’ );
$rows = $wpdadb->get_results( ‘select * from your-view-name‘, ‘ARRAY_A’ );Do you have an example of making use of this process? It looks to be exactly what I’m looking to do.
Ah yes. Silly mistake. All fixed now.
Thank you again!
Sorry, but still an issue for the pulldown. The type ID in question is not being recorded properly in the item table when adding a new item. (See screen captures below).
Relationships – Table – Entry – Info – Info – that last to show 75 for the type ID. Did I miss something?
Excellent. Works beautifully. Thank you so much, Peter.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wise Chat] Where are allowed user roles for chat indicated?Wrote directly to the developer, who responded with the following, which did the trick:
1. Please remove all entries from here: Wise Chat Pro Settings ->
Permissions -> Rules. Most likely you have defined a rule that blocks
you from accessing the chat.2. You can change the text of the button here: Wise Chat Pro Settings ->
Localization.`Hey Peter.
I think I may be asking too much of the tool. It is providing me an excellent means of using the front and back end to maintain and present data.
A couple of specific questions, though.
(1) In your school administration demo (, at timestamp 5:20 you show the teacher pulldown. I have that exact situation, and at this point the field in question is just filled in with an ID, which maps to the ID key of a second table. I would like to have a pulldown with the associated names used (instead of having to fill in an ID), but don’t quite get how I go about doing that.
(2) Do you have an example of setting a default image for a field? Just wondering if I need to provide a full url to the image, or just the name of the image in the uploads directory?
Thanks again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image subset placed in subdirectoryThank you, Vijay. (I was having a mental block on what to search for…)
Hey Peter.
Sorry for the delayed response, my wife and I had to go out of town for a bit. I’m finally back at it.
Here are screen shots showing the starting point of what I’m up to:
The project menus seed type table else should I provide? (Thanks again for the help…).
Yes. Sorry, I should have been clearer.
This is for a project. (Or should I be thinking in terms of a publication? Not sure…).
What I am trying to put in place is a seed inventory system. What seeds are in the system will be maintained by seed “librarians” (ideally in a role restricted front end page). But then there is a front end page accessible to all logged in members that presents the current inventory list and lets them select the seeds they would like to be given.
My main question boils down to this: For constructing the table shown to end users, is there a way in Data Access to use the information contained in the seed_type table to build the link shown to the end user?
The pseudo code for what I am trying to do looks something like this (where the italicized portion has info pulled from the type table):
<a class=”seed_type_season_warm sg-popup-id-seed_type_popup_id” >seed_type_name</a>
Hopefully that makes sense. If not, I can try to clarify further…
Working through the tutorial…
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by pauhana.
Thanks Peter.
For the first question, I think I understand.
But for the second, I’m not sure how to use the value in the type table to set the css class for the text (whether the seed_type_season is specified as an enum or a 0/1). I’m probably not thinking straight, but can I manage to easily do this?
Thank you, Peter. Yes, I now can see the Add New and Import buttons!
Here’s the image:
Thanks so much for the help. Much appreciated.
Image is at
I am on version 5.1.4 of the plugin.
Perhaps the issue is that I am using ClassicPress? I am on ClassicPress 1.3.1.
I have a screenshot, but am not sure how to attach it here.
Thanks again for the help.
Hey Peter.
Thank you for the quick reply.
Unfortunately, as mentioned, I am making use of the free version. The menu I see does not contain the “Premium” item, and when I click on “Projects”, I see “Data Projects” (no buttons or icons under main bar, and definitely no “Create Project” ). This is why I asked if this is only available in the paid option.
The chart showing the features included in the free version seems to indicate that projects are available, even in the free version. This is the source of my confusion…
Thanks you again for the info, and for this beautiful tool.