Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New install: Dashboard redirects to other domainsIt’s not my imagination. I came across a thread at Here’s another guy stating the problem:
Many wordpress user had problem with auto redirect on dashboard. So i try to fine a solution. this solution is able to block Incoming Links ,WordPress Development Blog ,Plugins,Other WordPress News. After edit this ,can solve auto redirect problem on dashboard.. BUT I NEED TO CONFIRM IF I EDIT THIS CODE,CAN MY OTHER WORDPRESS SCRIPTS ,DATA WILL GOING WRONG? The solution is inside wp-admin/index.php fine Code: [Select] wp_enqueue_script( 'dashboard' ); on line 17 and delete this line of code only.. Any programer here? Is this problem occur,is the incoming link conflict with cwahi ads? SO CAN I USE THIS SOLUTION TO SOLVE THE AUTO REDIRECT PROBLEM WITHOUT ANY PROBLEM? support team or admin please reply.. sorry for my poor english.
His solution gets me to Dashboard, but the lower elements are not loaded, unsurprisingly. What’s more, none of the other problems are solved, such as the Post page autosave bug.
The cwahi ad header is coming through on Dashboard under the WP Dev. Blog element, so I think the JS has gone wild somehow, and perhaps is calling for multiple sites at the same time, causing a freeze.
The only other thing I wonder about is if I was too liberal with file permissions.
I do hope there’s a solution because I like both WP and the CWahi server.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New install: Dashboard redirects to other domainsI’m not trying to bump this, but the index page has not showing this thread updated for ten minutes and many Refreshes, and I want you to know that I did respond, so I’m posting again.
Edit: It’s STILL not showing an update in 24 mins. So it is what it is.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New install: Dashboard redirects to other domainsThe blog is at
Another manifestation is if I try to create a new Page, give it a title, then every time I click in the Body text box the Save and Publish buttons depress themselves and the page is lost.
The dashboard problem doesn’t require a click to set it off.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New install: Dashboard redirects to other domainsA little more detail – it doesn’t seem to be an actual redirect.
- the status bar says Retrieving data from statcounter (or whomever; could be different each time),
- the Address bar still reads my blog’s admin page.
- the screen goes totally white
- the page hangs and I hit Esc to stop the loading.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New install: Dashboard redirects to other domainsThis began to occur the first time I had logged in. I didn’t even know how to install plugins at that point.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New install: Dashboard redirects to other domainsOK, here is behavior that I’m sure is related.
When I begin composing a post, the page will automatically redirect away after about 10 seconds. I’ll get the confirm warning that I’m going to navigate away and lose my changes.It’s happening right now, and the site it’s trying to contact is google-analytics.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t mail outOk, I found the problem. The server requires strict adherence to the registered user in the From field, and WP apparently sends out according to which administrator is logged in. At least that’s the theory, though a small exception just did come through. So I guess I can work with this one way or the other, but I hope it doesn’t interfere with certain plugin functions, esp subscribe2.
Thanks for your help.
p.Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New install: Dashboard redirects to other domainsJust logged in again, with same result. The other redirect site is Both redirect pages hang.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t mail outI’ve now changed admin’s address to the one specified by the host. But still not working.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can’t mail outDo you know where the settings are stored? I didn’t see them in the wp-config.php file.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Switching From Blogger – no followersKristin,
I’m even newer than you, and can’t even get to my Dashboard, but I have two observations:
1. Are you sure Follow in Blogger supported email? All I see on mine is RSS feeds. It’s a shame that RSS has eclipsed email.
2. I can’t vouch for this, since I can’t get in to install it yet, but there is a plugin called Subscribe2 at , which I hope to install.