Forum Replies Created
This update broke all my PHP pages! I have de-activated and deleted NextGen Gallery. I will never use it again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] Error with PHP 5.6.40Updated PHP to 7.2. No more problems. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] Error with PHP 5.6.40This error was found when I UPDATED my PHP from 5.6.33 to 5.6.40, and I mentioned in my original post. Also, if you look at the line I mention, you will see the issue with using an undefined variable. Also, look at all three sections of the if/else clause and you will see that the first two are a direct assignment of $afterLoad, and the last is concatenation with an undefined $afterLoad.
I think you might have looked at the code lines I mentioned before “Resolving” this post.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] Fancybox image title not displayingI have found a reasonable work-around, at least until the problem is fixed. Change the settings to display the title “Outside”. It then appears in a separate white box below the picture and this is quite satisfactory.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] Fancybox image title not displayingThe display of the html “title” attribute on the
tag used to show in the bottom border of the picture (v3.0.14 & earlier). Now, it appears greyed out just below the border. View this page: The caption ‘Allison Ann’, Photo (c) Carolyn Beck, used to appear on the white border at the bottom of the picture (expanded to contain the title), in black text. Now is appears mostly below the border in greyed out text.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] No Backend after Fancybox updateI have removed Easy fancy box and updated FB for WP. Works fine now. I have lost the automatic display of PDFs in a lightbox, which was a nice feature of Easy FB. I just open them in a new tab now.
Thanks for the update. I like the scroll with the mouse wheel, and I especially like the navigation arrows at the edges of the screen rather than on the image. Very useful if the images are different sizes.
Paul Beck
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] No Backend after Fancybox updateClicking on an image thumbnail starts a carousel ontop of the page, where you can scroll forward and back. All of this fails on 3.1.11 or 12.
Paul Beck
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] No Backend after Fancybox updateMihaela,
I have removed 3.1.12 so that our functionality works. There are many places on the site where I use FancyBox to display PDFs and images. They all stopped working when 3.1.11 was released. This page ( is a good example, as it has numerous PDFs as well as images. Clicking on the PDF, with v 3.0.14, opens the PDF in a “lightbox”. In 3.1.12, in a new tab.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] No Backend after Fancybox updateI already had “Easy Fancybox” installed. I still have the problem with 3.1.11 or .12 not opening in a “lightbox” over the existing page. That worked with 3.0.14.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] No Backend after Fancybox updateVersion 3.1.2 released today does not fix my issues. When clicking on an image or PDF file, it used to open a “lightbox” ontop of the page with a greyed out background. This no longer happens with 3.1.2. It now opens in a new browser tab. Rolled back to 3.0.14 again. Thank you for the rollback feature.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [FancyBox for WordPress] All links get the fancybox classI also had to roll back to 3.0.14. Images opened in a new page instead of in a lightbox. Dialogs that opened over the page in the back failed totally. Hard to believe this release was rolled out. As a result, I have disabled automatic updating of FancyBox
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Multiple Entry ShortcodeWhat are plugin are you using to generate the search form?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Multiple Entry ShortcodeIf you are familiar with SQL, you can do that directly as follows:
[abase sql=’select cultivar,hybrid from asa_plants where cultivar in (“Carolyn”,”Bob Stewart”)’]
The above is a query from my database, obviously, but yours should be similar. Note that the text from the search field will need to be enclosed in double quotes, as shown, and the whole query in single quotes.
Note that abase does not work with PHP 7. I have a fix for that if you are interested.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Is Support for ABASE active?Apparently this plugin is no longer supported. However, with these modifications, it can be made to work with PHP 7.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ABASE] Stack trace errors with 4.4.2 and PHP 7.0.0Outstanding post! Apparently abase is no longer maintained. Any clue why not? It seems to be the perfect plugin for adhoc database queries.