Forum Replies Created
Hello mates, this issue is solved.
After sending an email and check from your side my website demo the issue was a problem of mine, a browser cache problem of Chrome browser.
Just deleting the cache and the issue had solved.
Thanks for your quick help and effords.
I am also testing the version 2.0 of the starter sites, the paid version I mean, but under other subdomain.
Here it seems everything is working fine. I will record my video.
Later, I will try again installing from scratch a wordpress site and then the plugin starter sites free.
I will share with you the results.
I am writing you an email. I am also a lifetime customer of wpastra, so if you like I can also open a ticket from your website.
This is how it looks after installing the versión 2.0 of the plugin.
If you need more details feel free to ask me.
Hi Thomas, thanks for your help.
That is, I was not able to find out that it was in the “Visibility” section of the “Advanced” tab.
It is perfect clear with the help of your screeshot in evernote.
That′s all.
Have a good Saturday.
Hi Thomas
I have just updated the database with the snippet of sql. Fantasctic!
And finally i have no more message on my dashboard.
Thanks a lot!!
Hi Thomas, i have made what you say but the message is still there.
I think it is a particular error of my WordPress but i am really lost.
I don′t know where to check, or what to do to try to solve it.
I share with you some data about my WordPress installation
——————————————-Home Url:
Site Url:
Version: 4.8.2
Debug Mode: No
Locale: es_ES
Multisite: No
Page For Posts: Not Set
Page On Front: Not Set
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Show On Front: posts
Wp Cron: NoSettings
——————————————-Version: 3.14.5
Db Version: 3.14.5
Course Catalog: Cursos disponibles (#10115)
Course Catalog Per Page: 1
Course Catalog Sorting: title,ASC
Membership Catalog: Not Set
Membership Catalog Per Page: 10
Membership Catalog Sorting: menu_order
Site Membership: Not Set
Student Dashboard: Not Set
Courses Endpoint: mis-cursos
Edit Endpoint: editar-cuenta
Lost Password Endpoint: contrase?a-perdida
Vouchers Endpoint: canjear-cupones
Autogenerate Username: yes
Password Strength Meter: yes
Minimum Password Strength: strong
Terms Required: yes
Terms Page: Aviso Legal (#4911)
Checkout Names: required
Checkout Address: required
Checkout Phone: hidden
Checkout Email Confirmation: yes
Open Registration: yes
Registration Names: required
Registration Address: required
Registration Phone: hidden
Registration Voucher: optional
Registration Email Confirmation: yes
Account Names: required
Account Address: required
Account Phone: hidden
Account Email Confirmation: yes
Checkout Page: Formulario de compra para inscribirte al curso (#10160)
Confirmation Endpoint: gracias-por-tu-confianza
Force Ssl Checkout: yes
Country: ES
Currency: EUR
Currency Position: right
Thousand Separator: ,
Decimal Separator: .
Decimals: 2
Trim Zero Decimals: no
Recurring Payments: yes
Email From Address: [email protected]
Email From Name: Paul Benítez
Email Footer Text: Un abrazo, Paul.
Email Header Image:
Cert Bg Width: 800
Cert Bg Height: 616
Cert Legacy Compat: yesGateways
——————————————-Manual: Enabled
Manual Logging: no
Manual Order: 1Server
——————————————-Mysql Version: 5.6.36
Php Curl: Yes
Php Default Timezone: UTC
Php Fsockopen: Yes
Php Max Input Vars: 1000
Php Max Upload Size: 128 MB
Php Memory Limit: 768M
Php Post Max Size: 128M
Php Soap: Yes
Php Suhosin: No
Php Time Limt: 120
Php Version: 7.1.10
Software: Apache
Wp Memory Limit: 40MTheme
——————————————-Name: Dynamik-Gen
Version: 2.2.1
Template: genesis
Child Theme: Yes
Llms Support: NoPlugins
——————————————-Advanced Ads: 1.8.9
Advanced Ads – Genesis: 1.0.4
Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.0
Beaver Builder Plugin (Standard Version):
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget: 2.5.1
Compress JPEG & PNG images: 2.2.6
Cookie Law Info: 1.5.3
Crazy Pills: 0.4.3
Duplicate Post: 3.2
Easy Affiliate Links: 2.4.1
Easy FancyBox: 1.6
GA Google Analytics: 20170731
Genesis Custom Footer: 1.0.0
Genesis Simple Share: 1.0.9
Genesis Translations: 2.4.1
Instagram Feed: 1.5
LifterLMS: 3.14.5
MainWP Child: 3.4.3
Mammoth .docx converter: 1.7.0
NinjaFirewall (WP+): 3.5.3
Plugins Garbage Collector: 0.10.3
Q2W3 Fixed Widget: 5.0.4
SG Optimizer: 3.3.3
Table of Contents Plus: 1601
Thrive Architect: 2.0.10
Thrive Leads: 2.0.10
Ultimate Addon for Beaver Builder: 1.6.6
WPForms: 1.4.1
WP Mautic: 2.2.1
WP Rocket: 2.10.9
WP Staging: 2.1.1
Yoast SEO: 5.6Integrations
——————————————-BbPress: No
BuddyPress: NoTemplate Overrides
——————————————-Hi Thomas,
Here you can see two images. I hope you understand me better.
First image. I have edited the alt text that i would like to shown
Second image. The image shown by advanced ads. This image is inside a group of images.
Have a good weeked.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by paulbntz.
Hi Thomas, how do i edit the title tag? What do you mean?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Social Icons] Snapchat, pleaseHi @bgardner, the slideshare button will be add on this update? I hopefully yes…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Disqus Comment System] Migrate comments from Drupal to WordPressExactly, not the core comment module.
Here you can see.
Hi Jeff, i have seen you just have updated the plugin.
I will try to copy the snippet of code inside the field “Custom GA Code”
setTimeout(“_gaq.push([‘_trackEvent’, ’30_seconds’, ‘read’])”,30000);
I will give you a feedback about it. I really appreciate your effort.
Thanks so much,
Hi again,
I have made the steps of point 1 with success.
Now i have the firewall enable and running.
Hi Jeff, maybe it can help you,
I don′t have any link to the official documentation. It is strange but I am trying to find something about “setTimeout” on google official documentation and there is no article.
This is just a piece of code i′ve seen on several websites regarding a way to change the bounce rate and i thought it was easy to implement with a ga plugin, but it seems it is not.
Maybe it is deprecated.
Thanks in advance.