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@photocrati – are you testing with a fresh install of the 2.0.58 plugin or are you testing by upgrading from from a previous version with legacy data in the DB? The NGG plugin has been running on my site for years. Maybe that makes a difference. Also, my server is running PHP 5.4.4 and MySQL 5.5.25, if that helps your testing.
@photocrati – also explained in my original comment:
“The update crashed the entire site, resulting in no output on both frontend and backend.”
Turned debug on and off in wp-config, but that had no effect.
@photocrati – as I said in my previous comment, the new version of NGG replaces the ngg_options serialized data in wp_options, so I rolled ngg_options back to what was in my db when I was running 2.0.40. Also, removed all the 2.0.58 plugin files and rolled back to the 2.0.40 plugin. I always do a DB backup for comparison when I upgrade NGG, for when updates do not go smoothly, as in this instance.
My WordPress setup:
WP 3.8.1
Multisite NetworkNetwork Activated Plugins:
Admin Color Schemer
Advanced Custom Fields
Advanced Custom Fields: NextGen Gallery Custom Field
Advanced Custom Fields: Repeater Field
Google Analytics for WordPress
Gravity Forms
Gravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On
NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati
Post Type Icons
Post Types Order
User Switching
Visitor Country
White Label CMS
WordPress Importer
WordPress SEOSubsite Activated Plugins:
Advanced Taxonomy Terms Order
Comments Plus
File Un-Attach
Login With Ajax
Simple Image Sizes
TinyMCE AdvancedI attempted to deactivate all the subsite activated plugins, but that did not fix the issue, so it was at this point that I abandoned NGG 2.0.58 and reverted back to 2.0.40.
Had a similar issue when upgrading NGG on one of my sites. The update crashed the entire site, resulting in no output on both frontend and backend. Rolled back to 2.0.40 and even that didn’t work until I rolled back ngg_options in the wp_options table.
Experienced an issue similar to what OP describes when trying to conditionally include get_template_part. Here’s the code running in a page template in the theme root (“modules” directory is also in the theme root):
if( $some_var = 'a' ) { get_template_part( 'modules/dashboard-a' ); } elseif( $some_var = 'b' ) { get_template_part( 'modules/dashboard-b' ); }
This would result in no output to the page (blank page). Unexpected and difficult to troubleshoot when there’s nothing to look at!
The other issue occurs when sending a test email from the plugin’s admin config page. If the test fails, the password is again written in plaintext:
string(17) “[email protected]”
string(9) “mypasswordinplaintext”-PaulMighty
Yeah, but that just obscures it on the rendered input field (e.g. “???????”). The password is still in plaintext in the page source, leaving it readable to anybody with half a brain. Deleting print(get_option(‘smtp_pass’)) from the default value fixes this, although it does force you to input the password if editing the page, which might not be a bad solution.
The wp_max_upload_size function is in media.php, so not 100% sure about Theory #2.
Due to security reasons, I cannot grant access to the site in question.
However, I have two theories:
Theory #1
This was not an issue with previous versions of NextGEN. Maybe the legacy code for determining Max File Size could help your development team out? Here it is:// Get PHP Max Upload Size if (function_exists('wp_max_upload_size')) $upload_max = strval(round( (int) wp_max_upload_size() / (1024 * 1024) )) . 'M'; else if(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) $upload_max = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); else $upload_max = __('N/A', 'nggallery');
Theory #2
pluggable.php is not being loaded, so the wp_max_upload_size() function is not available for use by the NextGEN plugin. The changelog states for V2.0.30 – 09.25.2013 “Fixed: Don’t load pluggable.php. This will fix plugin conflicts”Let me know your thoughts.
skwong, where did you specifically adjust the setting to fix this warning?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AutoChimp] Does AutoChimp sync Mailchimp -> WordPressI’m not the plugin author, but from looking at the source code, this does not seem to be a supported feature. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AutoChimp] User Role changes not syncedThanks for posting this! Great idea, was just about to poke around in the plugin’s source code, but stumbled upon your post first, so you save me some time. Much appreciated.
I second that request! The WP Mail SMTP plugin also has this issue:,
-PaulMightyAnd yes, I can confirm that it is stored as plaintext in the database. The Easy WP SMTP also has this security issue: