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  • Thread Starter Pauls


    Thank you so much everyone. The attack has subsided since my post above, but I’ll be installing Bad Behavior ASAP.

    Now back to deleting all that crap…


    Brainwidth, as you probably already know, there’s an entire industry that revolves around using blogs, link farms (scraper sites), ‘blog-n-ping’ software and Google Adsense. Some of these people who walked into one of the forums and saw everyone talking about these tactics think this is the norm in the internet marketing world and simply don’t know any better. It’s a sad, sad world for these people.

    I can research, write and publish an article in 2-3 hours, add it to one of my niche sites and it makes $5 a day from Adsense, while providing cutting edge info to the readers. These people need to produce a 1000 spam pages and 1000’s of other spam pages linking to them to make that in a week. But that’s all they know how to do.

    And there are thousands of these people.

    This is how they are taught: lie, deceive, spam, plunder, pillage… and don’t get caught. People like Dhira won’t learn though, they’re too hypnotized by the gurus to know any better.

    Hey all, I have a 3 col WP blog (several actually) and if you surround the two left hand columns with a container div, then use a margin to push the right column over to where it’s supposed to be it seems to work all right in most modern browsers.

    You can see examples of the two different layouts I use at these sites: and

    Feel free to have a look at the css to get an idea of how you can implement it on your own sites if you like, but please don’t just lift the entire thing ??

    I’ve brought feeds into web pages numerous times using the method below:

    1. Download and set up CARP from

    2. Then, to allow regular .html or .shtml pages to run php just pop this into your .htaccess file and save it to your root directory on your hosting account.

    RemoveHandler .html .htm .shtml
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html .shtml

    You’ll have to go through the CARP docs to find the right code to display your feed the way you want, but it’s very flexible and can easily be styled with CSS.


    Thread Starter Pauls



    More food for thought. That would mean I could do even further customization of the articles section of the site, if it had it’s own dedicated template. Nice!

    Thanks a million…


    Thread Starter Pauls


    Hi podz,

    I see what you’re saying. I’d need to use one of the plugins to enable php to run within the page itself to get the list to show up, right?

    If that’s the case – Cool. Then I can just pull that code out of the main template and replace it with a hard coded link to that page and it’ll act sorta like a sitemap for the articles.

    Edit: Oh yeah, I have the articles already. They freely reprintable from article directories and announcement lists, plus a few I’ve written myself. They’re all in plain txt format so they’ll be easy to drop into the site with WP 1.5. I love the new built in CMS features. Makes my life a whole lot easier. /edit

    Thanks podz. Your suggestion is appreciated ??

    To all who help out here on the WP support forums I wish to express my sincere thanks.

    I use WordPress avidly on a number of sites and come here looking for answers. 9 times out of 10 a couple of searches and 20 minutes reading through the resulting threads answers those questions – or gives me enough info to accomplish what I need.

    Kudos to the experts here, and also to those who ask the questions, because without such diverse questions this forum would not be the wealth of info it is and will continue to be.

    Thanks all!!


    Paul Short

    Thread Starter Pauls


    Wow thanks Jinsan! Just think, it only took me about 4 hours to design the site, and that includes the WP install ??

    I’ve had this site pictured in my mind for months. Wanted something classy, simple, no distractions, with the look and feel of an actual diary or notebook.

    I’ll have to do some cleaning up of the customization and get the XHTML & CSS validated before I think about entering it into a competition though.

    Thanks for the kind words… you made my day ??

    P.S. The font bothers me as well. Any suggestions?



    Hi bloom,

    Teli Adlam at can probably help. She’s a genius at turning wordpress into anything imaginable.


    Thread Starter Pauls


    OOPS! First time I’ve posted code snippets here and the tags showed up. Please disregard them in the second code snip above, what’s between them is what counts ??

    Thread Starter Pauls


    Hi macmanx, the site looks fine in Firefox 1.0 and IE6 on my Win XP box…

    I just made a few changes to the contact form tags which I couldn’t see as causing a display problem. I know the XHTML code is not up to spec. Q: Are you on a MAC? If so, please let me know. It means I have to do some CSS hacking to fix the display quirks.

    Thanks for the heads-up

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Its up!

    That’s a pretty slick design! Sheesh, I just posted mine and now I’m embarrassed… Kudos on the nice looking blog tho

    Thread Starter Pauls


    Hi moisie. I think that’ll work.

    And Moose – It’s the unique meta description tag I’m after, so that when my individual posts show up in search engines, the descriptions in the listings not identical to all my other posts.

    I had a hunch this could be done because the title tag can be different for each WP post, so inserting something in a meta description tag couldn’t be too difficult.

    I’ll give it a whirl and see what happens.


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