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  • Thread Starter Paul Vogel


    Hi, the name of the plugin seems to be the same.
    I tried the steps and got the following results:

    • Installing plugin from uploaded file:
    • Unzipping the package …
    • The plugin will be installed …
    • The destination folder already exists: /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-germanized-pro/
    • This plugin is already installed.

    Furthermore it shows me:
    Currently installed:

    • Plugin name: Germanized for WooCommerce Pro
    • Version: 3.2.7
    • Author: vendidero
    • Required WordPress Version: 5.4
    • Required PHP Version: –


    • Plugin name: Germanized for WooCommerce Pro
    • Version: 3.2.7
    • Author: vendidero
    • Required WordPress Version: 5.4
    • Required PHP Version: –

    And two buttons:

    • Replace installed with uploaded
    • Cancel

    I tried replacing the plugin with the uploaded and ran the security scanner again. The result is the same: Error: file cannot be used. No matching plugin name was found among installed plugins. Please upload another file.

    Thread Starter Paul Vogel


    Hi, I installed the latest version of WP Cerber and tried to upload the archive. Now it shows:

    Error: file cannot be used. No matching plugin name was found among installed plugins. Please upload another file.

    Thread Starter Paul Vogel


    Mhh, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to do that.
    The plugin is a Pro plugin, for which you have to pay money.
    However, I am happy to send you the following information:
    – Folder structure (partially shortened)
    – license.txt (partially shortened)
    – readme.txt
    – woocommerce-germanized-pro.php (partly shortened)
    – wpml-config.xml

    Folder structure (partially shortened)

    | |____css
        -> (around 10 css files)
    | |____images
    | | |____germanized.svg
    | |____js
        -> (around 20 js files))
    | |____languages
        -> (around 70 json files)
    | |____abstracts
    | | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-checkout-step.php
    | | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-invoice.php
    | | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-post-pdf.php
    | | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-theme.php
    | |____admin
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-generator.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-packing-slip-bulk-handler.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-setup-wizard.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin.php
    | | |____notes
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-admin-note-generator-versions.php
    | | |____settings
    | | | |____abstract-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-generator.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-contract.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-emails.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-invoices.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-multistep-checkout.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-revocation-generator.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-shipments.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-taxes.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings-tab-terms-generator.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-settings.php
    | | |____views
    | | | |____html-admin-email-text-option.php
    | | | |____html-admin-table-checkboxes.php
    | | | |____html-generator-section-editor.php
    | | | |____html-generator-section-error.php
    | | | |____html-generator-section.php
    | | | |____html-import-legacy-invoices-errors.php
    | | | |____html-import-legacy-invoices-form.php
    | | | |____html-notice-dependencies-gzd.php
    | | | |____html-notice-dependencies.php
    | | | |____html-notice-wp-version.php
    | | | |____html-pdf-settings-before.php
    | | | |____html-shipment-packing-slip.php
    | | | |____setup
    | | | | |____activation.php
    | | | | |____invoice.php
    | | | | |____legacy-import.php
    | | | | |____ready.php
    | | | | |____support.php
    | |____api
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-rest-api.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-rest-customers-controller.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-rest-orders-controller.php
    | |____checkout
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-step-address.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-step-order.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-step-payment.php
    | | |____compatibility
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-compatibility-amazon-payments-advanced.php
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-checkout-compatibility-woo-paypal-plus.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-ajax.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-assets.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-contract-helper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-dependencies.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-document-factory.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-elementor-helper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-elementor-widget-helper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-install.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-cancellation-refund.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-cancellation.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-factory.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-packing-slip.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-shortcodes.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-invoice-simple.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-legal-checkbox-helper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-legal-page.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-multistep-checkout.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-privacy.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-helper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-unit-price-helper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-vat-helper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-vat-validation.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-wpml-helper.php
    | |____emails
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-email-customer-order-confirmation.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-email-customer-processing-order.php
    | | |____class-wc-gzdp-email-helper.php
    | |____vendidero
    | | |____vendidero-functions.php
    | |____wc-gzdp-core-functions.php
    | |____wc-gzdp-invoice-functions.php
    | |____wc-gzdp-invoice-template-functions.php
    | |____wc-gzdp-order-functions.php
    | |____storeabill
        -> (it's a subpackage containing assets, build, includes, lib, src, templates, license.txt, main php file and a xml file)
    | |____storeabill-lexoffice
        -> (it's a subpackage containing assets, build, includes, lib, src, templates, license.txt, main php file and a xml file)
    | |____storeabill-sevdesk
        -> (it's a subpackage containing assets, build, includes, lib, src, templates, license.txt, main php file and a xml file)
    | |____Autoloader.php
    | |____Legacy
    | | |____Cancellation.php
    | | |____CancellationRefund.php
    | | |____Importer.php
    | | |____Invoice.php
    | | |____Pdf.php
    | |____Packages.php
    | |____Packing
    | | |____Automation.php
    | |____StoreaBill
        -> (some php files in there)
    | |____checkout
    | | |____multistep
    | | | |____data.php
    | | | |____privacy.php
    | | | |____steps.php
    | | | |____submit.php
    | |____emails
    | | |____customer-processing-order-pre.php
    | | |____plain
    | | | |____customer-processing-order-pre.php
    | |____myaccount
    | | |____form-register-vat-id.php
    | |____packing-slip
    | | |____content.php
    | | |____footer-first-page.php
    | | |____footer.php
    | | |____header-first-page.php
    | | |____header.php
    | | |____page.php
    | |____post-document
    | | |____content.php
    | | |____footer-first-page.php
    | | |____footer.php
    | | |____header-first-page.php
    | | |____header.php
    | | |____page.php
    | |____assets
    | | |____css
        -> (some css files)
    | | |____js
        -> (some js files)
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-astra.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-enfold.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-flatsome.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-shopkeeper.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-storefront.php
    | |____class-wc-gzdp-theme-virtue.php
    | |____enfold
    | | |____shortcodes
    | | | |____class-wc-gzdp-enfold-product-button.php
    | |____flatsome
    | | |____templates
    | | | |____checkout
    | | | | |____multistep
    | | | | | |____data.php
    | | | |____notices
    | | | | |____notice.php
    | |____views
    | | |____html-admin-notice-astra-shopmark.php
    | | |____html-admin-notice-virtue-shopmark.php
    | |____virtue
    | | |____templates
    | | | |____single-product
    | | | | |____price-unit.php
    | | | | |____price.php
    | |____ (vendor files here)

    license.txt (partially shortened)

    WooCommerce Germanized Pro
    Copyright 2011 by the contributors
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
    This program incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
    permission notices:
      WooCommerce Germanized
                           Version 3, 29 June 2007
     Copyright ? 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


    === Germanized for WooCommerce Pro ===
    Contributors: vendidero
    WC requires at least: 3.9
    WC tested up to: 5.6
    Requires at least: 5.4
    Tested up to: 5.8
    Requires PHP: 5.6
    License: GPLv3

    woocommerce-germanized-pro.php (partially shortened)

     * Plugin Name: Germanized for WooCommerce Pro
     * Plugin URI:
     * Description: Extends Germanized for WooCommerce with professional features such as PDF invoices, legal text generators and many more.
     * Version: 3.2.6
     * Author: vendidero
     * Author URI:
     * Requires at least: 5.4
     * Tested up to: 5.8
     * WC requires at least: 3.9
     * WC tested up to: 5.6
     * Text Domain: woocommerce-germanized-pro
     * Domain Path: /i18n/languages/
     * @author vendidero
    use Vendidero\Germanized\Pro\Autoloader;
    use Vendidero\Germanized\Pro\Packages;
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    	exit; // Exit if accessed directly
     * Load core packages and the autoloader.
     * The new packages and autoloader require PHP 5.6+.
    if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.6.0', '>=' ) ) {
    	require __DIR__ . '/src/Autoloader.php';
    	require __DIR__ . '/src/Packages.php';
    	if ( ! Autoloader::init() ) {
    } else {
    	function wc_gzdp_admin_php_notice() {
            <div id="message" class="error">
    				    /* translators: %s is the word upgrade with a link to a support page about upgrading */
    					__( 'Germanized Pro requires at least PHP 5.6 to work. Please %s your PHP version.', 'woocommerce-germanized-pro' ),
    					'<a href="">' . esc_html__( 'upgrade', 'woocommerce-germanized-pro' ) . '</a>'
    	add_action( 'admin_notices', 'wc_gzdp_admin_php_notice', 20 );
    if ( ! class_exists( 'WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro' ) ) :
    final class WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro {
    	# the whole class goes here
     * @return WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro $pro instance
    function WC_germanized_pro() {
    	return WooCommerce_Germanized_Pro::instance();
    $GLOBALS['woocommerce_germanized_pro'] = WC_germanized_pro();


            <custom-type translate="1" display-as-translated="1">document_template</custom-type>
            <custom-field action="copy">_document_type</custom-field>
            <custom-field action="copy-once">_pdf_template_id</custom-field>
            <custom-field action="copy-once">_margins</custom-field>
            <custom-field action="copy">_template_name</custom-field>
            <custom-field action="copy-once">_fonts</custom-field>
            <custom-field action="copy-once">_font_size</custom-field>
            <custom-field action="copy-once">_color</custom-field>
        	<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_step_title_address" />
        	<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_step_title_payment" />
        	<key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_step_title_order" />
            <key name="woocommerce_gzdp_checkout_privacy_policy_text" />
            <key name="woocommerce_gzdp_contract_helper_email_order_processing_text" />
            <key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_revocation_pdf" />
            <key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_terms_pdf" />
            <key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_data_security_pdf" />
            <key name="woocommerce_gzdp_legal_page_imprint_pdf" />
            <key name="woocommerce_customer_order_confirmation_settings">
                <key name="subject" />
                <key name="heading" />
                <key name="additional_content" />
            <key name="woocommerce_sab_simple_invoice_settings">
                <key name="subject" />
                <key name="heading" />
                <key name="additional_content" />
            <key name="woocommerce_sab_cancellation_invoice_settings">
                <key name="subject" />
                <key name="heading" />
                <key name="additional_content" />
            <key name="woocommerce_sab_document_admin_settings">
                <key name="subject" />
                <key name="heading" />
                <key name="additional_content" />
            <key name="woocommerce_sab_document_settings">
                <key name="subject" />
                <key name="heading" />
                <key name="additional_content" />
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Paul Vogel.
    Thread Starter Paul Vogel


    I have found a solution to the problem.
    It was not caused by the plugin, but by an incorrect configuration in our infrastructure.

    The problem was that the real IP address of the client was not passed on to the WordPress container and thus also to the plugin.

    The first problem was that we used the headers in the NGINX config in two different places, namely at the top as a generic part and again within server or location config section. Unfortunately this does not work, NGINX then ignores the first (generic) part.
    For this to work, we had to specify all proxy-specific headers in the generic part of the config. So we moved the following entries to the top:

    • proxy_set_header Host $host;
    • proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    • proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    • proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

    The new full NGINX config is below (attached).

    Only with this configuration did the real client IP address reach the WordPress Docker container. Unfortunately, the header X-Forwarded-For was still not displayed. I tried this with a call to phpinfo().

    Here is a detailed explanation
    To begin with, an explanation of how the WordPress Docker Container works:
    We use the image for WordPress-PHP7.4-Apache from the official repository on
    In the Dockerfile for this, it is written into the Apache-Config that the header X-Forwarded-For should be used to set the remote IP. See: Dockerfile on GitHub
    Unfortunately, this does not take over the real header X-Forwarded-For, which was set by the NGINX reverse proxy.
    This means that the header X-Forwarded-For never arrives at WordPress or the plugin. Therefore, the code that would use this header can never work when WordPress is run using this Docker image.

    But the plugin needs the X-Forwarded-For header, at least that’s what I thought. Here is the code from cerber-common.php:

     * Detect and return remote client IP address
     * @return string Valid IP address
     * @since 6.0
    function cerber_get_remote_ip() {
    	static $remote_ip;
    	if ( isset( $remote_ip ) ) {
    		return $remote_ip;
    	if ( defined( 'CERBER_IP_KEY' ) ) {
    		$remote_ip = filter_var( $_SERVER[ CERBER_IP_KEY ], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP );
    	elseif ( crb_get_settings( 'proxy' ) && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ) ) {
    		$list = explode( ',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] );
    		foreach ( $list as $maybe_ip ) {
    			$remote_ip = filter_var( trim( $maybe_ip ), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP );
    			if ( $remote_ip ) {
    		if ( ! $remote_ip && isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] ) ) {
    			$remote_ip = filter_var( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP );
    	else {
    		if ( ! empty( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) ) {
    			$remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    		elseif ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'] ) ) {
    			$remote_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];
    		elseif ( ! empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] ) ) {
    			$remote_ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];
    		$remote_ip = filter_var( $remote_ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP );
    	if ( ! $remote_ip ) { // including WP-CLI, other way is: if defined('WP_CLI')
    		$remote_ip = CERBER_NO_REMOTE_IP;
    	if ( cerber_is_ipv6( $remote_ip ) ) {
    		$remote_ip = cerber_ipv6_short( $remote_ip );
    	return $remote_ip;

    Fortunately, this code still has a fallback:

    That’s why it works now. Yay.
    Thank you ??

    Here is my (new) NGINX config:

    user nginx;
    worker_processes auto;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
    pid /var/run/;
      worker_connections 1024;
      include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
      default_type application/octet-stream;
      log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
      access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
      sendfile on;
      keepalive_timeout 60;
      gzip on;
      gzip_proxied any;
      server_tokens off;
      client_max_body_size 256m;
      # ssl config
      # c.f.
      # c.f.
      ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:50m;
      ssl_session_timeout 60m;
      # modern
      ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
      ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
      ssl_session_tickets off;
      # security
      # HSTS (ngx_http_headers_module is required) (15768000 seconds = 6 months)
      add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=15768000;
      # generic proxy settings
      proxy_set_header Host $host;
      proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
      proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
      # pages may need longer to produce output - this should somewhat correspond to the proxied server timeout
      proxy_read_timeout 400s;
      # redirect everything to https
        listen 80;
        server_name _;
        # document root for letsencrypt certbot challenges
        location /.well-known/acme-challenge
          root /proxy/conf/ssl/letsencrypt;
        # everything else redirected to https
        location /
          return 302 https://$host$request_uri;
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        server_name mysite.url;
        resolver valid=10s;
        # ssl
        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/mysite.url/fullchain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/mysite.url/privkey.pem;
        location /
          http2_push_preload on;
          proxy_intercept_errors on;
          set $upstream https://mysite.url-container-name:80;
          proxy_pass $upstream$request_uri;
    Thread Starter Paul Vogel


    Hello, yes, I can confirm that the problem still exists with WordPress 5.8 and the default mode.

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)