They are part of the homepage theme, so I added the following code to functions.php
add_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_remove_hooks' );
function storefront_remove_hooks() {
remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_featured_products', 40 );
remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_recent_products', 30 );
remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_popular_products', 50 );
remove_action( 'homepage', 'storefront_on_sale_products', 60 );
The various options you can remove are:-
* Functions hooked in to homepage action
* @hooked storefront_homepage_content – 10
* @hooked storefront_product_categories – 20
* @hooked storefront_recent_products – 30
* @hooked storefront_featured_products – 40
* @hooked storefront_popular_products – 50
* @hooked storefront_on_sale_products – 60
* @hooked storefront_best_selling_products – 70