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  • After backing up the database tables I test the backup by importing it into a different database and changing wp-config.php accordingly. If it works, I alter wp-config back again, then do the WordPress upgrade.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    Resolved by me. In the db options table, I manually edited current_theme to the correct Theme description.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    No database problems that I know of. Deactivating plugins makes no difference.

    In the db’s options table:

    template = correct_theme_foldername
    stylesheet = correct_theme_foldername
    current_theme = WordPress Default

    So current_theme is showing the wrong data, but I assume this does not matter. Can I correct it though – that is what I’m wondering. It looks as if the current_theme field is purely for admin display, not actual Theme selection, but I’m not sure.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    The spam is not actually placed in the footer, although it displays there. To begin with I’d re-upload root and Theme index.php, and if that fails, everything else. But you really need to upgrade to WordPress 3.0 (urgently).

    It looks like the Posts are still in the database, as the sidebar Categories shows numbers per Category. I’d first be looking in the database to check.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    You shouldn’t use auto_prepend_file and compression at the same time. They are mutually incompatible.

    Many thanks. Mystery solved.

    I’m using auto_prepend_file because I have dozens of non-WordPress pages on the website and didn’t want to have to edit each one to add Mint. Without compression all seems ok, but I’ll need to have a rethink for the long run.

    WP Super Cache is an impressive plugin.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    Otto42: thanks for the reply.

    I have set Mint not to track my visits but the Mint JS should appear in the header even so. The “revert to a previous design” phenomenon (of my WordPress blog) really does seem to occur when compression is enabled in WP Super Cache (strange though it may seem). It happened after I changed my sidebar and CSS file. Quite some while later, I would see the previous design, especially in Opera and IE – less so in Firefox. And it happens only when auto_prepend_file in .htaccess is used to add the Mint JS to the header, never when the JS is added manually to the header file.

    Everything seems to be okay now, with compression disabled. So I’ll leave it for a week or so and enable it again and see what happens. The issue, if there still is one, may perhaps be related to the behaviour of my server.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    With WP Cache and Super Cache enabled but compression disabled I seem to have no problem. When I see (at the bottom):

    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.659 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2009-10-15 10:48:57 -->


    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.414 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2009-10-15 11:03:54 -->
    <!-- super cache -->

    … my header includes:

    <script src="/mint/?js" type="text/javascript"></script>

    … as it should.

    But when the bottom shows:

    <!-- Dynamic page generated in 0.683 seconds. -->
    <!-- Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on 2009-10-15 10:44:40 -->
    <!-- Compression = gzip -->

    the Mint JavaScript doesn’t show. So it seems that somehow, with compression, auto_prepend_file in .htaccess doesn’t function. That’s all I can think of really.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    donncha, I don’t really have an old Theme. I use the Theme I’ve developed bit by bit since 2005. The Default Theme is still there in the folder but never been used.

    Otto42, I’ve cleared the cache every which way I know, including manual deletion. Cleared the browsers cache too.

    I can more or less guarantee that if I wait a couple more weeks then reactivate WP Super Cache, I and a proportion of my visitors won’t be recorded with Mint because the JavaScript that is supposed to be in the header will be missing. The odd thing is that if I add the JS manually into the WP header, the problem goes away, but using auto_prepend_file in .htaccess to add the JS, it isn’t always there when WP Super Cache is activated.

    Thread Starter pcmt


    I don’t know if it’s a bug in WP Super Cache or some other caching issue. I’ve been using the same Theme for a while. What is happening is not Theme-related as such. For instance a few weeks ago I added some JavaScript to my standard footer, and also installed Mint tracking using auto_prepend_file in .htaccess, which puts a script in the header. Then I made some changes to the stylesheet – stuff like that. In amongst all this I installed WP Super Cache as well.

    When I enable WP Super Cache those structural changes are not always visible when viewing pages in a browser – the design sometimes (but not always) reverts to pre WP Super Cache. But when I turn off the plugin, the latest design is always there. It’s some kind of caching issue but I don’t know what.

    I turned it off for two weeks to see if old bits got flushed way, then enabled the plugin again. But still – in Opera especially – the old design pops back up. Same for visitors, as I can tell when Mint stops tracking because the JavaScript disappeared again from the header.

    Well, a day after installation it’s begun to work for me in 2.8.4 (WordPress Stats).

    Doesn’t work for me either, on a new 2.8.4 blog. Visits but no stats.

    No such file or directory…

    Something is missing. Are you sure you uploaded all the files?

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