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  • pcve02


    I still think it’s not needed for WP to have non-relative paths in the database at various lacations (and uses these for building the site, so themes and most links won’t load after the adress changes). Using phpnuke i never had a problem like this ??



    mm, my IP changed again
    editting only values siteurl & home in SQL didn’t help;
    had to do find/replace, drop old database, and imported editted Db thing again ??

    I now installed with ip https://localhost/wordpress

    At least i can test it again locally ..
    anyone knows a solution ??



    I had a similar problem, i installed WP on local server, but my IP changed. Originally I entered my (old) IP adres.
    in Admin > options >
    WordPress address (URL)
    Blog address (URL):
    After my IP changed the stylesheet didn’t load
    and i couldn’t acces the Admin > options > page , not even when i changed the redirected IP in the url. (but i might have made a typo)

    What i did was export the database [wordpress] and did a find/replace for old/new IP, dropped the old database, and imported the editted one. Worked !

    From what i read here only these 2 values had to be editted through phpmyadmin MySQL or MySQL Query Browser
    (no need for export/edit/drop/import)

    SQL query: SELECT *
    FROM wp_options
    LIMIT 0 , 30
    [find these values and edit the IP in them]

    All in all i’m happy it worked, but i think it’s a bit strange WP has to be changed everytime my IP changes.
    OK, i could get a DNS entry, but i think such problems shouldn’t arise i an otherwise fine CMS.

    BTW when i fill in only ‘/wordpress’ without the IP in above fields in admin> options WP redirects to page with text (something like:)” you havent installed WP yet .. goto config.php” ??

    It’s weird that WP uses these values within the site while it could use relative paths ‘/wordpress’ or just ‘/’

    Or did i do something wrong in the install ?

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