First of all – wow that was a quick response!
I′m okay with english. I′m from Austria too but my english gramma is not that good, so I though it would be better to write it in english and german. But lets do english because maybe someone else has the same problem, then they have the solution too.
For the dependencies I check the tree items, because the modules checkbox doesn′t stay checked after saving. ??
So eg. I have 2 Chapters (the pink ones).
Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. In both Chapters there is a lesson linked. Both lessons are individuall scorm files.
In the settings of chapter 2 I checked the dependencie for Chapter 1 (tree item).
The scorm file is on a seperate Page. Included with the short code. In Chapter 1 there is the lesson but I′ve placed the page url where the scorm is into the “link” field, because I want them to open as a seprate page with other stuff on it.
The user has the group user.
In the user group authorization I set Chapter 1 to be unlocked and Chapter 2 to be visible but locked, because I want the user to watch Chapter 1 first and after that Chapter 2 should be unlocked.
And this unfortunatly doesn′t work for me.
Do you have any ideas why its not working?
best regards