Forum Replies Created
Da li ste ne?to uspeli da re?ite oko ovoga. Ja nikako nisam uspeo da reporodukujem problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] [lang id=”skip”]and[/lang]Since you never responded I assume you fixed issue by yourself.
Добро ?е да ?е брзо на?ен узрок проблема.
Na nekoliko sajtova koje odr?avam je stavljena najnovija verzija WP ?im je iza?la, pre dvadesetak dana, i nema nikakvih problema.
Niko se drugi nije javio da ima takav problem kao ti.
Proveri da nije neki drugi dodatak napravio problem posle a?uriranja.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Multi-language standardizationMaybe this was wrong way to make proposal?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] [lang id=”skip”]and[/lang]Do you still have this issue?
If we do not share and help each other, who will? ??
Pa ove funkcije to i omogu?avaju, ne?to ovako:
if (stl_is_current_cyrillic()) {
echo “<link za promenu na latinicu>(slika ili tekst)”
}Vide?u da ne?to tako dodam u narednoj verziji.
u svakom slu?aju nije dobro da menajte kod dodatka jer ?e slede?a verziaj da vam sve to poni?ti.
Bolja varijanta je da upotrebite dostupne funkcije, da u samomm ?ablonu sajta umetnete izbor jezika kakav vam odgovara:
stl_get_current_script() – vra?a id trenutno izabranog pisma.
stl_is_current_cyrillic() – vraca true ako je trenutno izabrano pismo ?irlica
stl_is_current_latin() – vraca true ako je trenutno izabrano pismo ?irlica
stl_get_cyrillic_id() – vraca id cirilicnog pisma
stl_get_latin_id() – vraca id latinicnog pisma
stl_get_script_identificator() – vraca naziv identifikatora jeziak koji se korsiti u URL za izbor pisma
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] [lang id=”skip”]and[/lang]I cannot reproduce this problem. At my test site it works correctly.
My test was:
`Ово ?е текст у коме део [lang id=”skip”]увек треба да буде ?ириличан[/lang].
Thanks. This is not what I am looking for.
I need something that will make menu options to follow privileges set on page which is linked to menu.
Suggested Content Control plugin seems not to deal with menus at all.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Dropdown problem with pipesI stumbled int the same issue. I have select set as
[select* diploma include_blank "Диплома 1|diploma_1" "Диплома 2|diploma_2"]
and it does not use content after pipe for select at all.
This seems to be a bug. Your solution seems fine for my case. I hope developer will include this in main code.
However for emailing, this is not good solution, as it does not protect email addresses from harvesting.
I need to show flags only for languages that have actual translation of current page, and if here is no translation except current language to do no show flags at all.
I edited single.php in theme, and added this under the title.
$mParams = array( ‘show_flags’ => 1,’show_names’ => 0, ‘hide_if_empty’ => 1, ‘hide_if_no_translation’ => 1);
It shows flags for all languages on all posts regardless if there are translation articles or not. If there is translation in specific language flag link leads to translated page. If not, flag leads to home page for that language.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster] Must pay for multisiteHer is what Plugin developer guidelines say:
“Trialware is not allowed in the repository. It’s perfectly fine to attempt to upsell the user on other products and features, but a) not in an annoying manner and b) not by disabling functionality after some time period.
Similarly, you cannot “cripple” functionality in the plugin and then ask for payment or provide a code to unlock the functionality. All code hosted by servers must be free and fully-functional. If you want to sell advanced features for a plugin (such as a “pro” version), then you must sell and serve that code from your own site, we will not host it on our servers.”
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster] Must pay for multisiteWhat they actually do is cheating. You cannot get more than lowest grade for that.
When speaking of ridiculous, tell me you are joking with suggestion that I have to buy it just to try it out and then ask for refund if I do not like it.