Forum Replies Created
посто?и генерално правило да увек треба узбегавати нелатинска слова у именима датотека. Тако се предупре?у?е много потенци?алних проблема.
Ако датотека сдржи ?ирилична слова она ?е бири оптреворане у латинична на латиничном приказу стране као и сав други ?ирилични садржа?.
То омогу?ава да се прикаже другачи?а слика у латинично? верзи?и.
Ако не желите та? ефекат слиек приказу?т еуоквирене са [ lang id=”skip”] i [/lang ] па ?е додатак та? садржа? оставити какав ?е и не?е га преслов?авати.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] Ne funkcioni?e na verziji WP 4.0Korsitim ga na nekoliko sajtova sa WP4.0 i nema nikakvih problema.
Proveri za svaki slucaj da nije neki drugi dodatak problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] $before_widget before oppening spanHvala, sredicu u sledecoj verziji.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] imali sta za woocomerce???SrbTransLatin nije WPML.
Inace, najcesce su problemi sa preslovljavanjem ako se koristi JavaSCript, odnosno ako se sadrzaj strane menja nakon generisanja.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] imali sta za woocomerce???Nije mi jasno pitanje.
Mozes li da pojasnis?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] imali sta za woocomerce???Nije mi jasno pitanje. Mozes li da malo pojasnis?
I do not use NextGen Galery.
It may be that parameters are conflicting. SrbTansLatin has an option for user to change language option identificator. Try to change it.
Arteaster, comments are on now. I tested something on site, turned them off and forgot to rest back.
Honestly, I cannot afford that much time to translate posts. If that is requirement than I’d rather see this support forum for the plugin closed. I guess people would find another way to contact me.
It’s easier if can provide link for Google translate on the site, so anyone can click and see translation in whatever language he likes, automatically, so no one has to do that by hand.
In this discussion, user asked for needed new functionality of the plugin and I was more keen to spend time to provide that functionality than to translate non important posts. As I marked this topic resolved, that means new version of plugin is published with new functionality.
Plugin page is in English so anyone can checkout what’s new.
In next plugin update I will add instructions for users how to contact me if they want to report bug or ask new functionality or just need help, but not using English language.
Support forum is automatically created by site and linked from plugn page.
I cannot use other forum for this purpose, or better said, I do not know how.
Funkcija stl_show_selector() je pro?irena tako da se sada mo?e podesiti ?ta ?e pisati u izboru pisama.
Ne znam na kakvu upotrebu ikonice milsi?.
Ideje za pro?irenje funkcionalnisti dodatak ej najbolej da ostavi? kao komentar na
Aha, funkcija. Nisam u njoj predvideo da se mo?e podesiti ?ta treba da pi?e a podrazumevano je sve ?irilicom. Bi?e u novoj verziji.
Ako zaboravim slobodno vi?i.
U podesavanju vid?eta mo?e? da promeni? ?ta ?e se prikazivati. Vidi da ti tu ne stoji ?irili?no “latinica”. Ako jeste, zameni ga latini?nim.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SrbTransLatin - Serbian Latinisation] Prevod samog teksta?Samo sto radi obrnuto, preslovljava iz ?irilice u latinicu.