Pedro Marcelo
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Problemas para ativar o pluginOlá Amanda,
Esse problema foi resolvido na vers?o 1.6.7 do plugin. Realizei alguns testes para simular o seu problema até que eu pudesse corrigi-lo.
Como n?o detectei problemas deste tipo em meus testes eu irei marcar este suporte como resolvido. Caso encontre novos problemas e queira relatá-los, sinta-se a vontade para abrir um novo suporte ou mandar um e-mail para mim (para respostas mais imediatas).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Problemas para ativar o pluginOlá Amanda,
Desculpa a demora na resposta, gostaria que o WordPress tivesse alguma forma de notifica??o dos suportes.
é possível que algum plugin ou uma funcionalidade interna do seu tema ativo esteja dando conflito com o plugin.
Se possível, desative todos os plugins, ative o Issuu Panel primeiro e depois reative todos os outros um a um. Caso o erro seja exibido no momento da ativa??o de algum plugin, ent?o este plugin está causando um conflito com o IP. Caso o erro seja exibido no momento da ativa??o do IP é possível que uma funcionalidade interna do tema esteja causando este conflito.
De qualquer modo estarei lan?ando uma pequena vers?o de corre??o para evitar problemas futuros desse tipo.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Upload document not working for meHi Fredrik,
This error is caused by the Issuu API return. Have you noticed any delay in file upload? It usually happens this error when trying to upload a file that delay to load. I did the test and it worked.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget automatically fetch "Url page"Hi Fredrik,
This issue was resolved in the new version. If you have any more issue, please open a new support.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callPlease, search for an error log file. Probably the errors that appear should not be in it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callHi SoftVision,
I studied all the plugin and still could not find the problem. I saw your log too, but it does not indicate a problem (if an error occurs, it stops before indicating). Which server do you use? Please see if you have anything in the error log of your server.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callHi Softvision,
Could you enable PHP errors, open any page with plugin shortcode and show the error that was generated? I don’t understand why the shortcode is generating a blank page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callSee if this folder has write permission. It’s possible that this folder has not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callHi Softvision,
The log file is generated in log folder, in the plugin directory.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget automatically fetch "Url page"Hi Fredrik,
It’s a great idea get the URL on Issuu by default.
Regarding choose the document, I think that would be a new feature, as this was not planned that way.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget automatically fetch "Url page"Hi Fredrik,
I think I did not understand your question. Do you want to get the URL of last document on Issuu? Currently, this widget uses the URL that you enter.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Error when trying to activate the pluginHi fredrikpettersson,
You already have some other plugin Issuu?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callHi Softvision,
I released a new version of the plugin. Please check if the plugin generates a blank page. If the error persists, check the Debug option in the plugin panel. The log file will be created in the plugin directory containing information of the functionalities.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callWhen I release this version I notify you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Issuu Panel] Widget function callIn early May I will release a new version of the plugin testing possible errors that may arise and correcting them.