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  • Thread Starter pehog


    OK. I will try with new installation without any plugins. What you have in wp-content/languages in this installation from which is this photo?

    Thread Starter pehog


    Automatic updates or installs are not set for my sites, I do manual everything. But, this is new website and when I download english WP there don’t have language directory. If I download WP in some other language in languages directory have only this particular language and in settings I can select only this language or English. On this site with 3 languages I manually downloaded French and Dutch and uploaded all files in wp-content/languages, now admin section works like it suppose to be.
    Which file from qTranslate X plugin is responsible for downloading this files?

    Thread Starter pehog


    Nothing. And by the way, 755 is default for directories on my server, so this not work.

    Thread Starter pehog


    What are the permissions of that directory?


    Thread Starter pehog


    May be we do not understand each other. I do not have a problem to install wordpress in any language. I am wondered why qTranslate X generate a message, that wp-content/languages is not writeable, but if it is, noting is written in it? When I used qTranslate in the past, .mo files of enabled languages were downloaded to languages directory. Now this is not happen, is it normal or I have some problem?

    Thread Starter pehog


    This is a new website with new installed qTranslate X. In config file language is not set. I have another one website with same conditions and same result. One older my website, which was with qTranslate and have .mo files in language directory, qTransalte downloaded them, works normally in admin section and front end.

    Thread Starter pehog


    I can’t change to other language in this way, I have only English there. But I see that on some plugins language changes to selected in admin, but all the rest is on English.

    Thread Starter pehog


    No, don’t have folders plugins and themes.

    change the flags when you choose a different language?

    Yes. I can select any of the languages, but all texts are on English in admin section. On front end everything works.

    Thread Starter pehog


    No. I have menu to change the language, but selecting other language doesn’t make a difference, admin section is always on English.

    Thread Starter pehog


    One small addition to The charset. Now will be suitable for all cyrillic languages.
    $chars = 'абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъьюяыёэАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЬЮЯЫЁЭ';

    Thread Starter pehog


    You are welcome!

    Thread Starter pehog


    Done. In ajax.php I made some changes. Here how:

    $chars = 'абвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъьюяАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЬЮЯ';
    	$tags_array 		= explode(',', $content['post_tags']);
    	$stripped_bio 		= strip_tags($content['about_the_author']);
    	$stripped_content 	= strip_tags($content['post_content']);
        if ( !empty($content['post_title']) && str_word_count( $content['post_title'], 0, $chars ) < $min_words_title )
            $error_string .= 'The title is too short<br/>';
        if ( !empty($content['post_title']) && str_word_count( $content['post_title'], 0, $chars ) > $max_words_title )
            $error_string .= 'The title is too long<br/>';
        if ( !empty($content['post_content']) && str_word_count( $stripped_content, 0, $chars ) < $min_words_content )
            $error_string .= 'The article is too short<br/>';
        if ( str_word_count( $stripped_content, 0, $chars ) > $max_words_content )
            $error_string .= 'The article is too long<br/>';
    	if ( !empty($content['about_the_author']) && $stripped_bio != -1 && str_word_count( $stripped_bio, 0, $chars ) < $min_words_bio )
            $error_string .= 'The bio is too short<br/>';
        if ( $stripped_bio != -1 && str_word_count( $stripped_bio, 0, $chars ) > $max_words_bio )
            $error_string .= 'The bio is too long<br/>';
    	if ( substr_count( $content['post_content'], '</a>' ) > $max_links )
            $error_string .= 'There are too many links in the article body<br/>';
    	if ( substr_count( $content['about_the_author'], '</a>' ) > $max_links_bio )
            $error_string .= 'There are too many links in the bio<br/>';
    	if ( !empty( $content['post_tags'] ) && count($tags_array) < $min_tags )
    		$error_string .= 'You haven\'t added the required number of tags<br/>';
    	if ( count($tags_array) > $max_tags )
    		$error_string .= 'There are too many tags<br/>';
    	if ( $thumb_required == 'true' && $content['featured_img'] == -1 )
    		$error_string .= 'You need to choose a featured image<br/>';

    Hope this can be implemented in next release.

    Thread Starter pehog


    This script is working good with cyrillic language.
    May be you can have some idea from it.
    I also was thinking about some checking of the symbols that can be the reason for this problem. Is there in your script something like this, or in wordpress?

    Thread Starter pehog


    Yes, ok, this is one example: “Да, ок, ето един пример. Всъщност преведох първото изречение.” Here we have 9 words.

    @jotabb Here have another link already. I suppose you can use it.

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