Forum Replies Created
Happy, that this helped you.
For others who wants to download this version, just for information, this link will be active for 120 hours.This is the link [ deleted use instead ]
write the symbols in this field and click on the button below to download the file.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal Error after update/when activatingThen you maybe will have to ask for help some system administrator from the library.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal Error after update/when activatingI suppose that you have control panel for your hosting. Look for logs and you will find them. But I do not know much for the control panels, never used one. I know only where to find them if you have your own server.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Fatal Error after update/when activatingCan you give me more information? Version of the plugin and wordpress. Can you see in your website error log what exactly is the error?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Bugs with version 2.0.8I am curious, nobody else have this problems. I already know for other website with the problem from #2. Maybe everybody here have the problem from #1. #3 and #4 are very strange for me. Somebody from can give some suggestion here?
What template do you use? Try what will be if you change it.
If you need 2.0.7 I can send it to you.Figured out this problem. Zip file was directly uploaded on the server and unzipped there. Now I have two directories with the right content.
Thank you cefiar for your help, without your directions I wouldn’t ever know that there are two directories.But I do not have two folders Twig and twig.
What I have to have in this two directories Twig and twig? And is there other directories with the same name? Maybe all my problems are because of this.Yes, I have it.
Always I upload the files from my PC, never use WP’s update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timely All-in-One Events Calendar] Bugs with version 2.0.8Where I can find this classes .ai1ec-posterboard-view .ai1ec-event-title especially height: 63px; in which file? Any help will be greatly appreciated!
In 2.0.8 the name of this folder is the same and the error is also the same.
Fixed. The folder vendor/Twig have to be vendor/twig. Maybe this will help to others with Linux servers.
Now will try 2.0.8Sorry that I did not mentioned this. Admin section do not work, only blank page, not only in plugins section, nothing works. Site is working, but calendar page gives blank page. In cache folder everything is with 777 privileges.