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  • Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Can someone please help with this?

    I have tested the files in there respective browsers and they all work fine.

    I have test the code with different files outside my site and it works, but with my path/files it won’t work.

    I have tried different paths and permissions, still won’t work.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    i have tried inserting the following code but it won’t work:

    <video width="320" height="240" controls loop muted>
      <source src="" type="video/mp4">
      <source src="" type="video/ogv">
      <source src="" type="video/webm">
      <object data="" width="320" height="240">
        <embed src="" width="320" height="240">

    video player shows in firefox but says “no video with support format and MIME type found”

    in Chrome only the controls show but no funtionality.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    How do I “Add video custom field for post”

    I don’t want to use youtube. I have the videos on my server.

    what do you mean “Print it on your theme”

    Hi Guys. Does anyone know how to completely remove both Billing and Shipping address forms from the checkout. (I don’t want to collect any personal details on my site. I’m only using paypal and can collect shipping details there).

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Thanks heaps. That Gradient Generator is very helpful.

    FYI, I originally defined the gradient under background-image because it was defined that way in my parent theme, and it did work in firefox. Don’t know why they defined it that way. Anyway, it’s all working fine now. Thanks.

    Ok, thanks. I was looking in my theme files. Is it save to edit these woocommerce template files – that is, when woocommerce is undated, will they be overridden?

    Also note, in this same file just below this code line 173, is a “Remove add to cart button on archives” action. Comment this out and the “add to cart button will appear”.

    Where did you find the archive-product.php file?

    Hi. I recently figured out how to change the grid in my wootheme. The post is
    If you want a list i assume change the variable to 1 would do it.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok, regarding previous post, it does work, but you need to put in the number of columns manually.

    For example, the code (also in theme-woocommerce.php) for feature products is:

    function mystile_featured_products() {
    	global $woo_options;
    	if (class_exists('woocommerce') && $woo_options[ 'woo_homepage_featured_products' ] == "true" ) {
    		echo '<h1>'.__('Featured Products', 'woothemes').'</h1>';
    		$featuredproductsperpage = $woo_options['woo_homepage_featured_products_perpage'];
    		echo do_shortcode('[featured_products per_page="'.$featuredproductsperpage.'"]');
    	} // End query to see if products should be displayed

    Note the line echo do_shortcode. The shortcode, (as shown on the wootheme website:, allows you to enter “columns” as such:

    [featured_products per_page="'.$featuredproductsperpage.'" columns="3"]');

    Columns need to be specified for the loop_columns funtion to work.

    Note, if you only wanted one row you could enter the ‘.$featuredproductsperpage.’ variable instead of the specific number.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Also note, this function doesn’t carry over to widgets such as feature products – it doesn’t insert any “last” class.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok, worked it out after going through nearly every page of code.

    I assume this would work for any woocommerce theme.

    In the file theme-woocommerce.php, go down to the section commented “PRODUCTS”and look for the code:

    // Change number or products per row to 4
    add_filter('loop_shop_columns', 'loop_columns');
    if (!function_exists('loop_columns')) {
    	function loop_columns() {
    		return 4;

    Change the number to whatever – in my case 3.

    Above this code, you can also change the number of rows per column.

    Note: you can update this in wp appearance/editor, but not sure if any changes might be overridden when updating, so might best to set up a child theme, if you haven’t already.

    The theme-woocommerce.php file is in the includes folder.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok. Unfortunately I can’t get help from woothemes as I am not a paying member. Thanks anyway.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok, worked it out. Sorry. I had a conflict with the capitalisation of the #WrapOverall selector and wrote #wrapOverall.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Thread Starter Perfect Circle


    Ok. Thanks very much.

    I tested this out on the top menu background, which I am trying to clear.

    According to Firebug, the location is:

    <body class="archive post-type-archive post-type-archive-product logged-in admin-bar gecko alt-style-default layout-right-content theme-eotheme woocommerce woocommerce-page customize-support parent">
          <div id="WrapOverall" class="parent">
                <div id="top" class="parent">

    the CSS is:

    #top:after {
        clear: both;
        content: " ";
        display: block;
        height: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
    #top {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F7F7F7;
        margin: 0 -3.631em;
        padding: 0 3.631em;
    #top {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F7F7F7;
        margin: 0 -1.618em;
        padding: 1.618em;

    The bottom #top (from parent’s style.css) is struck out. I assume that means it is been over written by the above #top (which is in the CSS/layout.css file). Don’t know why. Perhaps something in the WP CMS.

    I don’t know want the class=”parent” refers to. It doesn’t show up anywhere.

    I copied the #top code and pasted it in my Child theme’s style.css, then removed the colour – #F7F7F7. (I don’t really understand why the Background say ‘none’, but then has other attributes).

    Then this happened.

    #top {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F7F7F7;
        margin: 0 -3.631em;
        padding: 0 3.631em;
    #top {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
        margin: 0 -3.631em;
        padding: 0 3.631em;
    #top {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F7F7F7;
        margin: 0 -1.618em;
        padding: 1.618em;

    The bottom two, including mine, now struck out and the layout.css still overriding.

    So I tried:

    #wrapOverall #top {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0;
        margin: 0 -3.631em;
        padding: 0 3.631em;


    #wrapOverall.parent #top {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0;
        margin: 0 -3.631em;
        padding: 0 3.631em;

    but both times now my css did not show up at all in firebug.

    Now I don’t think it is appropriate to use !important here, as it is not inline, but something is preventing this layout.css code from being overridden. There is several classes in the boby tag, but I wouldn’t know where to start there. I did notice that the background in question does protrude outside my <div #wrapOverall>

    On a side note, when overriding, is it necessary for me to copy all the #top attributes (including margin and padding) or will the only the background suffice and thus the margin and padding will still link to the original.

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