The developer above assisted me in troubleshooting the issue by email, and the issue was eventually resolved.
Zend OPcache, a caching system, was enabled for PHP. Flushing or disabling OPcache did not help; I had to:
– Install the FVM plugin again to each affected site
– Very quickly, while only one instance of fastvelocity_purge_old_cron_event cron job was visible (before it replicated itself to thousands of entries), change that one cron job to “non-repeating” and immediately delete it
– Immediately disable the FVM plugin.
– Flush the OPcache (using the WP OPcache plugin)
– Delete the FVM plugin.
– Turn off OPcache
The steps have to be done very quickly before fastvelocity_purge_old_cron_event starts replicating itself again.
The issue was on two of our company’s websites. We have business hosting with four sites on one server. Three of the websites had Fast Velocity Minify. Two had version 2.81 installed, and the plugin had been deleted from the other site months prior. fastvelocity_purge_old_cron_event would replicate itself to over a thousand jobs within minutes, and several instances would attempt to run simultaneously.