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  • Yep same here AND it shows up when the visitor is browsing the site NOT on exit as the plugin name suggests.

    Thread Starter pervbox



    Me again…

    I’ve been looking more into pre-roll ads for Video.js and have found on git-hub videojs-contrib-ads which seems to integrate pre-roll ads into video.js. I figure it’s a starting point for me to look at implementing somethning for my site but I’ve got a problem..

    Full description:

    Aparently, I need to somehow recreate this structure:

    <video id="video" src="movie.mp4" controls></video>
    <script src="video.js"></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    videojs('video', {}, function() {
      var player = this;; // initialize the ad framework
      // your custom ad integration code

    But obviously your plugin doesn’t work that simplistically.
    I’ve been looking around the area of line 1895 of your plugin but I’m baffled as to how to fit the required script and call in :/

    Don’t suppose you have any ideas?


    Thread Starter pervbox


    Hi Kyle,

    Many thanks for getting back to me.

    I totally understand about the pre-roll / post-roll ads. Hopefully you’ll find time in the not too distant future where I’ll no doubt still be around ready to buy that plugin.

    Thank you also for the is user logged in code snippet. Now that I have a something to work with to give me ideas, I’ll do some testing.

    RE The frame I was talking about. I’d love to link you to a page however I’m not able to apply the idea to a single isolated video so I’ve uploaded an image of my proposed frame here:

    The idea being that the video (not the player) is encased if you like by the frame so that the frame sits over the video which is playing behind the overlaid frame. Sort of gives the video a custom player look and feel while adding a watermark or logo at the same time.

    Unfortunately when I toyed with the idea, I pretty much just uploaded a larger version of that image (1920 x 1080), set it as the watermark and adjusted your watermark CSS code so that it filled 100% however the frame wouldn’t resize to fit all videos. In full screen the frame surrounded the entire video perfectly.

    When not in full screen, i.e. watching the videos on the web page, the frame would only fit around certain videos of that aspect ratio while others videos which were wider or taller it wouldn’t fit and would makie it look like the videos were over-hanging the frame or popping out of the top of the frame where the videos were taller or wider than the frame.

    No matter what I tried with the CSS, I could only get the frame to surround the videos one way or the other but not both together. When I got the frame to surround the video neatly in full screen it wouldn’t fit properly around the videos when viewed on the page and vice versa.

    I know it was never designed for what I’m trying to do but I thought it was worth a shot. When it did work, and where it did fit it looked really good too! Probably my warped idea of what does and doesn’t look good I guess but it really made the video player my own if you like.

    There probably isn’t much demand for an idea like this but if it isn’t currently possible to do this, I’d love to see something in a future update or as a plugin or something.

    Thank you again!

    Thread Starter pervbox


    Sorry one other thing I forgot to add which would be REALLY cool to see is video stats in the media library so that when I click on media library and filter by videos, as well as the usual information that’s displayed such as thumbnail, title, author etc it could also show just basically how many views it’s had.

    Far easier than going through each video espeically when you have a lot of videos to go through. Just a thought!

    Many thanks again for this amazing plugin. Without it I wouldn’t be able to run my site or control my media the way I want to.

    Thread Starter pervbox



    thanks for responding but it appearst that I’ve found what the problem was.

    For some reason, wordpress default player was selected rather than video.js. I’ve switched backk to video.js and all seems fine again. I’d obviously made the change by mistake hence why it was working and then it wasn’t.

    Thank you for responding anyway. Great plugin BTW. Very easy to use.


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