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Hi: thís bug was only present with IE9/Vista, with Chrome/Vista and Windows 10 Firefox/IE11/Edge as well as on iPhone/iPad the redirect works fine. Problem solved ??
cheers Petersolved 06 July: WP dashboard > WP Touch > Settings > Theme “featured slider” DISABLED. Have also upgraded to WP Touch 4.1.7
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Why is there no responsive replacement for Twenty Ten?We solved our problem by simply installing Site looks great on iPod and Google thinks it’s fine ??
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Twenty Ten] Please make Twenty Ten responsive!We solved our problem by simply installing Site looks great on iPod and Google thinks it’s fine ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Two core admin functions: three problems!@terence @matt we too partially solved our problem by disabling plugins one at a time. I had completely forgotten we had these plugins which work with the backend
My Link Order (“last Updated: 2 years ago Requires WordPress Version: 2.8 or higher Compatible up to: 3.5.2”
Google Maps Embed(“This plugin is NO LONGER actively maintained Last Updated: 1 year ago Compatible up to: 3.7.1)
We leave disabled these plugins and the site goes much better cheers Peter
?Today our site is working fine, despite their strenuous denials we suspect it was a fault caused by our hoster. Looking forward to 4.32 ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Two core admin functions: three problems!today (we tried early in the morning when server load low) our site’s backend works fine. So despite their strenuous denials to the contrary we suspect our hoster was doing something.
Rattus, please can you test 4.32 with WP 4.1.1 and WordPress SEO 1.7.4 and 2.0 These are the the two most important plugins we use and the only “serious” ones BUT we have big problems with plugin admin, see
The Plugin admin page is SO slow with 4.1.1 that we cannot reliably turn plugins on and off! We disabled wordpress SEO 1.7.4 to see if that was the problem (as suggested by hoster) and then were unable to switch it back on via the dashboard! You clicked and nothing happened. In fact, when we examine html of pages, the Yoast plug-in code IS there, so it got switched back on but the super slow
dashboard didn’t show this. The issue we had with the GRAND flash gallery not working which seemed a loading issue seems fixed all by itself(?) BUT we are scared to try to upgrade to 4.32 (when you release it) due to difficulties plug-in admin page.In the WP backend editor we are unable to open the page which is the one containing the most Flag galleries, though the front end viewing of this page works OK.
thanks Peter
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Two core admin functions: three problems!We have the same issue, but the Plugin admin page is SO slow with 4.1.1 that we cannot reliably turn plugins on and off! Plugin admin is unworkable. We disabled wordpress SEO to see if that was the problem (as suggested by hoster) and then were unable to switch it back on via the dashboard! You clicked and nothing happened. In fact, when we examine html of pages, the Yoast plug-in code IS there, so it got switched back on but the super slow dashboard didn’t show this. We did have some issues with GRAND Flash gallery plug in not working correctly, but now it is OK.
Our site
We failed to be able to update Yoast SEO plugin due to so-slow plugin admin page. thanks Peter
we have the same slow loading issue on We tested it with The flag galleries takes up to 4 s to load…and the page is “frozen” for 4 secs after calling the URL. We have other pages with flag galleries that don’t have this slowness problems eg which has 2 galleries and loads in 2,5 s and is never frozen. It didn’t used to be like this, we have noticed this problem for about 9(?) months.
The problem exists for top-level site as well as /de/ and /it/ subdomains where we use code like <iframe src=”″ width=”600″ height=”250″ scrolling=”no”></iframe>
Our Hoster tells us “probably the problems Googlebot has to navigate inside directories such as:
are simplz due to there being no index file with a listing of the files present in each single directory. The URL is “Forbidden” because there is no index (.php o .html) file. Automatic directory listing is disabled for security reasons. Automatic directory listing is disabled for security reasons, hackers can use it, most providers disable it. You can create a PHP script and put it in each folder to create a listing of images, this would work<? //identifica il percorso della Directory (non modificare) $path = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; // effettua parsing della path (non modificare) $path_parts = pathinfo($path); // apre la directory (non modificare) $dir_handle = @opendir($path_parts['dirname']) or die("Impossibile aprire ".$path_parts['dirname']); // stampa un messaggio (personalizzabile) echo "<h3>Immagini .jpg/.gif/.png presenti nella Directory</b>:</h3><hr>"; // crea l'output con l'elenco dei files .gif/jpg/png while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { // mostra tutti i file esclusi quelli specificati (personalizzabile) if($file!="." && $file!=".." && $file!="index.php" && $file!="img-listing.php") { // mostra solo i files con estensione .gif/jpg/png (personalizzabile) if (strpos($file, '.gif',1)||strpos($file, '.jpg',1)||strpos($file, '.png',1)) { echo "? <a href='$file'>$file</a>";} } } echo "Fine!"; // chiude la Directory (non modificare) closedir($dir_handle); ?>
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We think it’s odd that on your site (me: with the Flagallery plugin) there are links which point to directories without an index.”
What do you think to this workaround? It shouldn’t be overwritten when we upgrade the flagallery Plugin, correct?
thanks PeterForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hacked random links to other sites at foot of some of our pagesOur site was moved to a new secure server and we changed WP admin PW, FTP credentials, and WP secret keys. In / we found a file footer_top.php file with this code
[Do not post hacked code here, please]
we deleted it and linkfarm links went away. Hoping that new secure server stops them coming back, if not will reinstall 2010. Ta Peter
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: iframe flash flagallery doesn't work after site moved to new serverresolved by hosting provider
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: cant upload photos after move to new server php 5.4resolved by hosting provider
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Hacked random links to other sites at foot of some of our pagesOur ISP moved our site to a new server, meaning we had to fix loads of things but we did find this string
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(%2d|-)[^=]+$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*) $1? [L]
</IfModule>at the start of the .htaccess file which didn’t used to be there. Could this have caused the errors? We will no longer be saving our FTP coordinates in Cute FTP Lite, this is where the problem may have come from.
cheers Peter