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  • Yes, I am having similar problems, except the “At a glance” chart is correct for the website I have logged into, but the other figures and pages visited etc, are for a completely different website that I also own!

    So 2 sets of data, one set for a website I have not logged into!

    No doubt they will sort it out soon.

    Thanks gambalunga, that may be the only solution i.e. revert to an earlier version.

    I ran the htttp/https stuff by my host Coolhandle but they didn’t want to know. It’s a third party problem as far as they are concerned “over which they have no control”. So dead end there. Automattic needs to start an education programme with hosting companies, otherwise its plug-in cannot progress further.

    I upgraded recently and my stats stopped five days ago, having worked perfectly before. I unistalled the plug-in and re-installed it with the same API as before, which it recognised and put back all the old data – BUT CURRENT DATA FEED IS STILL DEAD! Most frustrating.

    I have contacted Coolhandle, my host, but as yet no solution.

    Can Automattic please find one otherwise this plug-in is on no use.

    Many thanks.

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