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  • Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    > I’m sorry your having that issue. That seems strange though.
    To say the least. I’ve had it on two out of two sites now though, so…

    > Where are you seeing those other plugins you mention?
    In the admin panel. Under the plugins section of course, but since they activate automatically too, they also show up under their own headings.

    > Have you tried switching to a default theme like twentyseventeen?
    No. I seriously doubt that could be the problem. I have tried with both Layers and Divi (my two go-to Themes), and same problem here. Also on Customizer theme if I remember correctly.

    My guess is that there’s something wrong with your plugin package zip as distributed over the standard wp plugin function. I have not tried to download the plugin from your site.

    Sorry, but it has been two weeks – I have already thrown out the plugin and bought EventON, and I don’t have the time or the resources to go back and try your plugin again, at least not until my next site.

    Maybe someone could write a filter function for us to replace the text manually meanwhile? I’ve tried to myself, but comments.php just looks to different for me to get my head around it. ??

    You know, something like:

    function comment_reform ($arg) {
    $arg['title_reply'] = __('Submit a comment, but in German:');
    return $arg;

    I have the same issue with Swedish, and the problem is still there with 3.2.8.

    See example on

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    > Are we talking about how to distinguish between mobile and normal menu?
    I guess that’s one way of putting it. To be precise, we’re talking about changing the appearance of the collapsed/responsive menu, without changing the appearance of the normal menu.

    @d4z_c0nf takes us a little bit further towards the target. Also, there are at least TWO(!) separate collapsed menus.

    1. First is the one we have been mucking about with earlier – see my suggestion two posts up. This actualy changes the presentation in a PC browser (tested with IE and Chrome), shrunk down to a smaller size. Of course, we only have a solution for the background so far, not the text color.

    Also, and this was news to me: it does not work on a mobile (tested on Samsung S5 and Nexus 4, both Chrome browsers)! It works if you request the desktop version of the page though.

    2. Then there’s @d4z_c0nf’s media query method. It works well enough, changing both level 1 and 2 menu items (although I think it was only supposed to change one of them). Also, it works both on a shrunk PC browser and a phone browser.

    Still two issues with it though
    a) It does not change the color of the border-bottom, thus not removing the frames around menu items. Has anyone got a solution for that?
    b) It does some funny things when you activate the collapsed menu on a PC browser, and then size up the browser to non-responsive size. The Level 1 menu items in the regular menu then gets the same appearance as in the collapsed menu. This is not too much to worry about though, since it will very likely not happen very often in normal use.

    I have not tested @d4z_c0nf’s functions.php method.

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    Works well with the new theme options in 3.2. No need for any cusom css for this any longer.

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    Fixed, worked fine, once I managed to put my functions.php in the right directory. ??

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    Fixed it. Functions.php was in a sub-directory to the child directory.
    (Walks away in shame…)

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    @bill-monkeytree: Actually, I got the background colors in the collapsible menu to work reasonably well – at least I can get a uniform background color with: {
    background-color:   hsl(0, 88%, 62% );
    /* Remove the separator bars */
    .tc-hover-menu.nav a {
    border-bottom:      hsl(0, 88%, 62% ); /* Samma f?rg som bakgrunden ovan */

    This does not effect the non-responsive menu at all, only the responsive one, so that’s good.
    Still no luck on setting the font color separately though. Maybe someone more familiar with the object model(?) than me can figure out the right code for the font color?

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson



    I would very much like a tip on how to check if the code is executed at all. Something like putting a “debug.print ‘hi'” and looking at the console to see if it’s printed. ??

    Here’s my php btw. None of the functions in there seems to work.

    * This is where you can copy and paste your functions !
    function my_new_contactmethods( $contactmethods ) {
    // Add Twitter
    $contactmethods['twitter'] = 'Twitter';
    //add Facebook
    $contactmethods['facebook'] = 'Facebook';
    return $contactmethods;
    /* ?ndra i "hover"-texterna f?r sociala l?nkar    */
    add_filter('tc_default_socials' , 'change_link_title');
    function change_link_title($socials) {
        foreach ($socials as $key => $value) {
            $socials[$key]['link_title'] = str_replace('Follow me', 'Folj oss', $socials[$key]['link_title']);
            $socials[$key]['link_title'] = str_replace('Subscribe to my rss feed', 'Prenumerera p? v?rt RSS-fl?de', $socials[$key]['link_title']);
        return $socials;
    // START OF Center Header Block Items (Needs additional CSS code in Child Theme style.css)
    /* Beh?vs inte f?r Customizr 3.2 */
    // LOGO //
    // center the logo //
    /* Beh?vs inte f?r Customizr 3.2 */
    // TAGLINE //
    // center the Tagline
    add_filter('tc_tagline_class', 'rdc_tagline_class');
    function rdc_tagline_class() {
         return 'span12';
    // SOCIAL ICONS //
    // center the output of tc_social_in_header:
    add_filter('tc_social_header_block_class', 'rdc_social_header_block_class');
    function rdc_social_header_block_class($social_header_block_class) {
         if ('span5' == $social_header_block_class) {
             $social_header_block_class = 'span12';
         return $social_header_block_class;
    // END OF Center Header Block Items (Needs additional CSS code in Child Theme style.css)
    /* ?ndra "credits"-texten i footern. */
    add_filter('tc_credits_display', 'my_custom_credits');
    function my_custom_credits(){
    $credits = 'Site av Interes AB. Baserad p? temat Customizr av Themes & Co';
    $newline_credits = '';
    return '
    <div class="span4 credits">
        		    	<p> · ? '.esc_attr( date( 'Y' ) ).' <a href="'.esc_url( home_url() ).'" title="'.esc_attr(get_bloginfo()).'" rel="bookmark">'.esc_attr(get_bloginfo()).'</a> · '.($credits ? $credits : 'Designed by <a href="">Themes & Co</a>').' ·'.($newline_credits ? '<br />· '.$newline_credits.' ·' : '').'</p>		</div>';

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    @web Tabula Rasa: I had not before, butI’ve tried it now, but it did not help. I did get the layout-related stuff to work, but not the font-related stuff. ??

    @rdellconsulting, have you had any time to look more at this?

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    As you can see on it works fine for a sidebar menu though.

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    Sorry, but that does not work for me.

    .navbar .nav > li > a {
    background-color: yellow;
    color: red;

    does change Full menu + Collapse. Good so far.

    .navbar .nav-collapse > li > a {
    background-color: yellow;
    color: red;

    does not change either Full or Collapse. ?? Neither does “.in.collapse”.

    I have learned SOME inspector skills since last time, but when I inspect the collapsed level 1 menu item there are 10+ styles listed, and it’s just too much for me to understand.

    > Been trying to think why you would need to treat Full/Collapsed differently anyway?
    It’s because the Level 1 menu is rendered in a different place for Full and Collapsed menus. For the Full Menu it is rendered on top of the Navbar (so in my case, white text fits nicely on the red transparent background).
    But the Level 1 menu items on the Collapsed menu is rendered on the white semi-transparent drop-down backgound. So the white text does not work well unfortunately.
    I could switch to a red transparent background for the Collapsed mennu as well, but then the black text of the Level 2 menu items would hardly be visible. The Full menu renders them on a white drop-down background as standard, and that works very well.

    I guess one solution would be to replace my Red Full Menu Navbar with a light one and black text, but that is not the look I’m going for.

    So yes, there is a reason for setting Full and Collapsed menu separately. I’m not the only oneby the way, I just looked at the first example in the Customizr showcase ( Look at their Collapsed menu – same issue!

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    Cool, I’ll look forward to it. Any idea on what to do in the meantime? I was hoping to go live on Sunday.

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    Thanks Dave; I had already seen that though, and honestly it did not help much. Take as an example:

    Social Icons   .navbar-wrapper .social-block a    Social Icons
                   .social-block a                    Social Icons
                   .navbar-inner .social-block        Social Icons

    There’s no way for me to know the difference between them, because the description is not detailed enough. Also, there’s no explanation of parameters and their values. (Oh, and the responsive menu elements seem to be missing, and possibly other elements.)

    No criticism meant, I know the theme is free (although I personally have both donated and bought the add-ons), and I realize that there is a limited amount of time that you can spend on this. But maybe at least some of these elements are WP-general (as opposed to Customizr-specific), and there is a central description somewhere?

    Thread Starter peterhjalmarsson


    Thanks for the reply Dave!

    Unfortunately your suggestion does not work it references the “drop-down” items (i.e. “level 2” items), not the 1st level. Also, it changes both the non-responsive menu and the responsive menu.

    I’m a newbie with the elements inspector in Chrome (which should be a way of identifying the correct element I guess), and that did not get me anywhere either. I have found the “dropdown-menu” class for the level 2 items, but not the corresponding class for the level 1 items. ??

    Ok, so I had to take the hard route and do some systematic testing with one setting at a time, and the result is:

    1. Using “.dropdown-menu > li > a” I get
    * Normal menu changes background and text color of Level 2 menu items (as expected)
    * Responsive menu changes only background color of Level 2 menu items

    2. Using “.nav-collapse .nav > li > a” I get
    * Normal menu changes background and text color of Level 1 menu items
    * Responsive menu changes background and text color of Level 1 menu items
    This not quite what I expected – “.nav-collapse…” should change only the responsive menu, no?

    3. Using “.nav-collapse .dropdown-menu > li > a” I get
    * Normal menu changes background and text color of Level 2 menu items
    * Responsive menu changes background and text color of Level 2 menu items
    Again I did not expect that the normal menu would change.

    4. Using “.nav-collapse .nav .nav-header” I get
    * Nothing happens.

    5. Using “.nav-collapse .dropdown-menu a” I get
    * Normal menu changes background and text color of Level 2 menu items
    * Responsive menu changes background and text color of Level 2 menu items
    Again I did not expect that the normal menu would change.

    5. Using “.navbar .nav > li > a” (just for the heck of it) I get
    * Normal menu changes background and text color of Level 1 menu items
    * Responsive menu changes background and text color of Level 1 menu items
    I did not expect the responsive menu to change.

    These are all the different elements from your Codesnippet (and then some) Dave, and after that I’m stumped. I don’t really want to say this (mostly because I’m sure I will have to eat my words in the end), but it seems like your code snippet is not quite working (maybe a Customizr 3.2 issue?) as intended?

    (Btw, the reason I said that “it did not work” in my first post was that I had some CSS code for the regular menu later in the CSS file. Of course, since it seems that all code changes the look of both regular and responsive menus, that overwrote any settings I tried to make to the responsive menu…)

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