Forum Replies Created
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Child Themes of Block Themes – when are they necessary?I just recently stumbled upon the new site editor export function. If you follow the documentation ( you are able to export your changes to a theme zip file. My understanding is that after renaming the zip file and a few edits in the head of the style.css, you have your own custom block theme.
I quite like that functionality for users who are maybe not as apt with creating either their own plugin or a child theme. Or for cases as @gasurgaelach mentioned, where you work pro bono, time is a factor and not many changes are needed.
So for myself I concluded that when working with block themes I myself would be using either a child theme, a custom theme or a custom plugin. When time is of the essence or for folks with less experience a quick way to a custom theme is through the export function.
Any thoughts to add? If not, I will mark as resolved. Thank you all for your input! I appreciate it!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Child Themes of Block Themes – when are they necessary?Thank you both for providing your input on the question.
So, @bcworkz , is it your understanding too, that if I use a block theme like twenty-twenty-five for a small website and I customize the look and feel only through the site editor or a plugin, these customizations would not be endangered by an update to the theme?
If that is so, I really don’t see the point of a child theme here. But as child themes also to block themes are mentioned in the documentation, I was wondering if I missed something.
The best practice for classic themes is to work with child themes. The best practice for block themes is…?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Getwid - Gutenberg Blocks] Table of Content & Headings in Cover BlocksGetwid has always been a very useful extension to native Gutenberg blocks, so I just thought it would be great if it worked with Gutenberg heading blocks, no matter where in the block hierarchy they are.
Thank you, Eugene, for getting back on this issue and also for forwarding it to your developers! I appreciate it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Getwid - Gutenberg Blocks] Table of Content & Headings in Cover BlocksHi Eugene,
thank you for your kind reply. The steps to reproduce my issue are:- On a page or post, in Gutenberg, create a normal H2 Heading block.
- Then, below, create a Cover block with a second H2 heading block inside.
- After that, create the Getwid Table of Content block and check if both headings are listed.
In my case, only the heading that is not within a Cover block is listed, the one inside the Cover block is not listed.
Hope that helps. Thanks again for your precious work and your help in this case! With many greetings and the best wishes for 2024 –
Hi @tigroumeow,
I seem to have the same issue. My files are sorted in the default uploads/YYYY/MM/ folders. But only the original is renamed, the thumbnail files are left untouched.
Furthermore this is happening only sometimes and with some images. Others are resized / renamed fine.
Do you have any idea where I might look further? Any setting I might have overlooked?
Thank you very much for your help!
Wen es interessiert: ich habe es jetzt auf anderem Wege hinbekommen, mit dem Pluign “Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce”, einem Hinweis hier: und folgendem Code, den ich in die Functions.php eingebunden habe:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_formatted_billing_address' , 'woo_custom_order_formatted_billing_address', 10, 2 ); function woo_custom_order_formatted_billing_address( $address, $WC_Order ) { $address['billing_titel_before'] = get_post_meta( $WC_Order->get_id(), 'billing_titel_before', true ); $address['billing_titel_after'] = get_post_meta( $WC_Order->get_id(), 'billing_titel_after', true ); return $address; } add_filter( 'woocommerce_formatted_address_replacements', function( $replacements, $args ){ $replacements['{billing_titel_before}'] = isset($args['billing_titel_before']) ? $args['billing_titel_before'] : (WC()->checkout->get_posted_address_data( "titel_before", "billing" ) ? WC()->checkout->get_posted_address_data( "titel_before", "billing" ) : ''); $replacements['{billing_titel_after}'] = isset($args['billing_titel_after']) ? $args['billing_titel_after'] : (WC()->checkout->get_posted_address_data( "titel_after", "billing" ) ? WC()->checkout->get_posted_address_data( "titel_after", "billing" ) : ''); return $replacements; }, 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_localisation_address_formats' , 'woo_includes_address_formats', 10, 1); function woo_includes_address_formats($address_formats) { $address_formats['default'] = "{title} {billing_titel_before} {name}, {billing_titel_after}\n{company}\n{address_1}\n{address_2}\n{postcode} {city}\n{state}\n{country}\nUID: {vat_id}"; // default address format $address_formats['DE'] = "{title} {billing_titel_before} {name}, {billing_titel_after}\n{company}\n{address_1}\n{address_2}\n{postcode} {city}\n{state}\n{country}\nUID: {vat_id}"; // default address format return $address_formats; }
Die neuen Felder lauten “billing_titel_before” und “billing_titel_after”. Und der Name inkl. Anrede und Titeln wird jetzt sowohl im Checkout als auch auf allen Mails und Bestell-Seiten wie oben beschrieben angezeigt.
Vielen Dank trotzdem für deine Hilfe und deine schnelle Reaktion!
Vielen Dank für die superschnelle Antwort! Und tut mir leid, wenn ich mich missverst?ndlich ausgedrückt habe.
Ich versuche zu erreichen, dass die Adresse (billing-address) in der Bestellbest?tigung / E-Mail etc. folgenderma?en beginnt:
“Anrede” “Titel vorangestellt” “Name” “Titel nachgestellt” also z.B.
“Frau Prof. Dr. Hannelore Mustermann, M.A. (Harvard)”
Dazu habe ich zus?tzlich zur Standard-Anrede (bei G4W: title) zwei Textfelder für Titel_vorangestellt und Titel_nachgestellt eingeführt.
Deine Antwort verstehe ich so, dass ich zum Standard-Anredefeld von Germanized weitere Titeloptionen hinzufügen kann. Das war leider nicht ganz, was ich brauche, weil ich ja dann immer noch nicht wei?, ob der Titel in der Adress-Anzeige vorangestellt oder nachgestellt werden muss…
Oder habe ich da einen Denkfehler drin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Getwid - Gutenberg Blocks] Media & Text Slider srcset questionTHANK YOU for your explanation! I hadn’t noticed but that was indeed the case (custom image sizes defined in theme functions.php).
Have a nice day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Germanized update FehlerNur eine kurze Meldung: Das Update funktioniert gut, die WooCommerce-Versandeinstellungen sind wieder erreichbar.
Danke nochmal für die schnelle Hilfe!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Germanized update FehlerDanke für deinen fixen Support!! Und einen sch?nen Tag noch!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Germanized update FehlerBei mir ist der Fehler zun?chst aufgetreten, als ich das Basisland in WooCommerce noch nicht bestimmt hatte. Bei zwei sp?teren Versuchen habe ich tats?chlich ?sterreich angegeben…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Germanized for WooCommerce] Germanized update FehlerBei mir ist der selbe Fehler aufgetaucht. Jungfr?uliches WooCommerce. Nach der Aktivierung von Germanized beim Setup ist es egal, ob man die Versanddienstleister aktiviert, deaktiviert oder diese Einstellung überspringt – die o.g. Fehlermeldung kommt und auch die WooCommerce-Einstellungen zum Versand sind nicht mehr erreichbar.
Interessant ist auch, dass ich zwar auch sp?ter die Versanddienstleister (DHL, Deutsche Post) noch deaktivieren kann, aber selbst wenn beide deaktiviert sind, ist der Punkt “Versanddienstleister” aktiviert, ohne die M?glichkeit das zu ?ndern…