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  • Thread Starter PetLvr


    I didn’t EMPTY the ??_ss_search tables .. as they appeared to have important keyword search data. The ??_ss_stats tables was the only tables EMPTYed// and now my wp-backup works. I will mark this as resolved.


    Thread Starter PetLvr


    Thanks … I hope that means it will be okay to run an EMPTY on BOTH of those tables, and I don’t think I will reactivate the plugin after that.

    I’ve been relying on my “Sitemeter” and “Statscounter” and my “refer” scripts .. and don’t look at the statistics anyway. Although, I always think that I might someday and the others are only temporary information until it gets replaced by more current information and the history falls off the table. I’ll make a backup to archive before I delete these tables, but I don’t think I will be reactivating. I can’t believe how big those files were ..

    Thread Starter PetLvr


    Never mind ..// I marked as Resolved.. I just deleted the entire thing and started from scratch. // HART

    Thread Starter PetLvr


    Hello? Anybody?

    I’ve now tried this about a dozen times and it just will not include any javascript or object codes from the YouTube site – that you embed in wordpress blogs – by email.

    That HTML tag strip statement in the codex link doesn’t make sense either – because in my text body area .. i can manipulate it with the H2 and H3 and FONT=COLOR tags.

    Has anybody written a plugin or script to allow YouTube code to be posted via email to blog?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: TinyMCE image uploading

    This same thing is happening to me, and it’s not an IE vs FF issue – it’s adding “height=96” to every image.jpg that’s selected at original size. If I select the thumbnail, that separate image.thumbnail.jpg is used instead. I’m using 2.0.4 and it’s frustrating.

    Does anybody know a way (or where in the code or in a plugin) to change this “height=96” embed to a “width=400” embed instead?

    HART aka PetLvr

    Thread Starter PetLvr


    Do you know how to tweak that javascript to exclude my own domain?

    Thread Starter PetLvr


    Thanks Viper007Bond .. that was it .. In my header section, I had the framebusting script on my Pet blog, because too many people were just searching google and taking the images from there directly.

    <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/JavaScript">if (parent.frames.length
    > 0) top.location.replace(document.location);</script>

    I first removed the above script, and installed the wp-framebuster script. The script works – on the BLOG side. I can edit/save and do things normally and the “preview=true” way is gone and fixed.

    Before, if you google an image (for instance, try Labrador Retriever and search for a site on .. it showed my picture and people could download it.

    Secondly, I used both codes in my header (keeping the plugin coded added to my header and the above code). Now, the google image search works the way I intended – if people search for Labrador Retriever, the picture is in the top frame and my blog is in the bottom frame.

    And, now the framebuster plugin does NOT work – and I’m back to where I started – the “preview=true” comes back and limits me from doing any editing or pre-saving posts again.

    Can you think a way to get the best of both worlds and have my cake and ice cream too? Naturally, if I can’t – I guess I would have to remove the google image stopping code for less stress for me, but I’d have to obtain some royalty free images or from wikipedia images .. I promised the source of the ones currently being used that if I could prevent google from stealing it – I would try.

    I have successfully upgraded from 1.5.2 version directly to 2.0.4 version

    I will document how I did it (another day) at .. for future use .. that may help anybody else having problems or concerns.

    Beaniecopter .. some FTP programs do not show the .htaccess .. usually, there might be a box to do a partial search … if you can – search for *.* and then it should show up.

    Hi Whooami // I’m going to upgrade my 1.5.2. to 2.0.4 now .. I read that on the that it kind of seems like you should upgrade from 1.5.2 to 2.0.3 and then upgrade from 2.0.3. to 2.0.4

    But, Step 3: Overwrite Files says .. and then “Get the latest and greatest WordPress ( … I am lucky, because I have both zip files of 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 but, I think I would like to just go to the 2.0.4 directly.

    I’m backing up files – if anybody suggests that I DO NOT use 2.0.4 and just upgrade to 2.0.3…. please say so as soon as possible! If not, I’ll come back and let you all know how it works out.

    Thread Starter PetLvr


    Never mind. I had the feedburner account setup on the first installation. After reactivating this plugin, I went to feedburner and edit the feed source … with no help to my problem. I just deleted the feedburner account and deactivated the feedburner and removed the plugin altogether. All of a sudden – the posts are there. So .. I am going to re-setup my feedburner redirection and account and hopefully it will be up for good.

    I’m reaching nearly a 1,000 posts on my PetLvr blog now. In my blog, I’ve been posting lots of free articles. I always search by name to prevent duplicate posting, but some think it’s clever to change their name to keep track where their articles are (I guess) from different sources.

    It’s great having WP change the permalink URL automatically by adding a 1 at the end – it lets me know when I post duplicate articles and gives me a second chance to check for duplicate postings.

    // Moshu .. Don’t laugh .. re: .. if you recall I’ve been experience TONS of permalinks problems .. I tried the old ‘microsoft miracle’ method to fix it. I’ve tried everything, and wrote everything down, and then tried the links. It only worked after doing this:

    – go to Options / Permalinks
    – click default
    – click permalink update button
    – click date and name based
    – click permalink update button
    – click date and name based
    – click custom field
    – changed /%year%/%month%/%date%/ to /%category%/
    ( so, permalinks = /%category%/%postname%/ )
    – click permalink update button

    Believe it or not – that worked. I did no upgrade. I did no downgrade. In fact, I did nothing but accept the fact that my blog was going to have to live up to the default …url/?p=xxx format.

    Strange, eh? Maybe that will work for someone else? I know how aggravating this permalink problem is.

    Hi Moshu .. My site doesn’t use a subfolder for the blog so the first link (i think) doesn’t help me.

    As for the second link .. looking back, that article was the reason I totally crashed my server offline with the Lucky13Apache plugin … I don’t think I need it (now) but thought I needed it (then) .. From my cPanel, this is what shows up as server information:

    Operating system Linux
    Service Status Click to View
    Kernel version 2.4.20-021stab028.19.777-smp
    Machine Type i686
    Apache version 1.3.34 (Unix)
    PERL version 5.8.7
    Path to PERL /usr/bin/perl
    Path to sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
    Installed Perl Modules Click to View
    PHP version 5.0.4
    MySQL version 4.1.14-standard
    cPanel Build 10.8.1-RELEASE 95
    Theme cPanel X v2.5.0
    Documentation Click to View

    Should I take notice of anything?’


    As I am still experiencing permalink problems – I continue in my search to FIX this …

    Just noticed this – perhaps RYAN can look at..

    This thread:
    Mikae1 mentioned that the fixes supplied by ryan helped him ..

    functions-post.php > rev 3390
    classes.php > rev 3395

    Below that in a later point in the thread, he “cleans” up the link and provides an easier way to dowload..

    functions-post.php > rev 3390
    classes.php > rev 3396

    It’s these last two links that I updated my wp-admin files with .. could this be the cause? Should the classes.php file be downgraded? Maybe that will work?

    I’m still concerned with – permalinks only works with the default /?=pXXX etc where I want /category/postname rule.

    (sorry didn’t mean to refer to you as such or in that way- my apologies)

    I was referring to part of gabon’s question “automatically generated” because, in my specific experience – that answer was a definate ‘No’ and I’m still in turmoil and frustrated.

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