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  • Thank you @whitneywooyy!

    I’ve been doing all of my editing through phpMyadmin on my server. However, checking to double check my databases are up to date is something I had not checked yet. I will look into that now.

    As soon as I figure out what was causing the issue in my environment, I will post the solution here as well! Thank you, again!

    – Diesel

    I’ve run into this same problem before. It turned out it had processed the back up; but, there was a plugin that had been updated in the short period of time between my backup being created and the site being restored.

    It took lots of man hours to go through and find which one it was. The easiest way to start was temporarily changing the upload folder name, so it became in active. Once I did that, I knew it was a plugin, then you just change the folder name back and go through each plugin individually till you find the right one. I’m assuming the same thing could happen with a theme file, too.

    – Diesel

    I’m having the same problem. Everything appears to be on the server and in the database. No errors during the migration process; and, I saved the permalinks three times after the install. I always do one extra, just in case ??

    I did another site, on the same server, same website except for content and domain, same day, with in a short period of each other, and, I had no problems at all. I also ran the export again to see if it created a file that looked different then the one I had. They were exactly the same files and sizes.

    Any updates on what has caused this issue to recently pop up? Thank you for the help!
    – Diesel

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