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Hi, I have the same problem.
Every action leads the subscriber to a new page with the related message, but then no button (i.e. OK, ACCEPT, etc…) to take him back to the page REFRESHING it.User has now two choices:
1) use the browser navigation arrows to go back, finding the subscribtion data (not beautiful…)
2) close the window…:-(((I hope the author could release an update of this wonderful plugin!
Thanks, Pier
Italian translation.Ciao,
ogni azione porta il sottoscrittore in una nuova pagina con il relativo messaggio, ma a quel punto non ci sono pulsanti (OK, ACCETTO, ecc…) per riportarlo alla pagina da cui proviene, forzandone il refresh.L’utente ha due possibiltà:
1) usare le frecce di navigazione del browser per tornare indietro, ritrovando però i dati di sottoscrizione (non bello…)
2) chiudere la finestra di navigazione…:-(((Spero l’autore possa rilasciare una aggiornamento di questo bellissimo plugin!
Grazie, Pier
yes, I tried, with no result.Everything goes well until I re-active NGG plugin and only THAT particular type of Url changes ONLINE as said above.
I really don’t understand, never happened before…:-(((
Bye, Pier
after installing version, Related Contents appeared again without having to refresh.Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Where can i download older versions@suzchiles
How di you downgrade to earlier version?
I reinstalled 1.4.24, the last one working fine for me and now waiting for a stable one.Have a look at this thread.
as you can see on my site, the floating bar seems to be in a fix position, i.e. about 90px from the top-left corner.I’d like to position it a little bit under the header and the main menù, about 160px, it would be cleaner:-)
Deciding the pixel distance would be perfect!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] 'keyword density is 0%'Hi Nick,
I had the same problem after installing version 1.4.25.I found that my provider runs PHP 5.3.3, but I can’t ask him to upgrade to 5.4, of course.
And so, since this is a WONDERFUL plugin, I decided to downgrade to 1.4.24 and everything turned good.
I hope in the next version 1.4.26 to have back support for PHP 5.3.
Best regards,
PierThanks for the answer.
The site automatically forward to main site had another warning yestarday, when Anti-Malware blocked access to IP while loading thumbnails.
No more warning today, hope it’s all right now.