I created a new template using the pm4wp-template.php and called the template name inbox messages, saved it as pm4wp-in_template.php
Then changed the array so inbox would be 0:
<div id="pm-inbox" <?php if (!$show[0]) echo 'style="display:none"'; ?>><?php rwpm_inbox();?></div>
<div id="pm-send" <?php if (!$show[1]) echo 'style="display:none"'; ?>><?php rwpm_send();?></div>
<div id="pm-outbox" <?php if (!$show[2]) echo 'style="display:none"'; ?>><?php rwpm_outbox();?></div>
Then I created a page called Inbox and used the inbox message template.
then I edited widget.php so it would link to the inbox:
echo '<p><a href="', get_bloginfo( 'wpurl' ), '/inbox">', __( 'Click here to go to inbox', 'pm4wp' ), ' »</a></p>';
Hope this helps someone