Philip Faster
Forum Replies Created
thank you for your reference.
can’t wait for the patch.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] v3.5.2 Breaks WebsiteI already tried v3.6-rc1 on my test site.
So far, it works without any known problems.Hi @advanpix,
thank you, that way a fast update,
but could you change the updated version to the higher number?We can’t update the plugin from the wordpress dashboard,
because the update has the same version number.last version:
Version 3.8.6 | By Pavel Holoborodko | View details | Updated: February 21, 2020 | Ratings: 9.8/10 | Reviews: 28 | Requires at least: v2.8 | Tested upto: v5.3.4 | Status: Available
current version:
Version: 3.8.6 Last updated: 27 mins ago ...
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] v3.5.2 Breaks WebsiteHi @qtwrk
I’m sorry, my problem appears to be caused by the “WP QuickLaTeX” plugin.
I already send the support there Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] v3.5.2 Breaks WebsiteHi @qtwrk
problem with CSS Combine.
the file generated by “CSS combine” has an open comment syntax /* at the beginning of the first line,
which does not exist in the previous version.
Hence it breaks my site—
updating to v3.5.2 also breaks my site.
However, I can’t solve it even by using the “beta test” downgrade to (previous ver).
I have to restore my whole site from my backup to roll back.—
using v3.5.2,
on my website, it has a problem with “CSS Combine”. It is “turned on” as my settings, but it breaks my site by using LSC v3.5.2.
It was solved by turning off the CSS Combine.—
in inspect element (firefox) in v3.5.0.1, in style editor
there is a CSS file with 2562 rules, which is the combined CSS.However, this file has 0 rules with using LSC v3.5.2
/* Inline formulas format:<img class="$1" src="imageURL"/>$1 - default class ql-img-inline-formula ... [then followed by combined css]
Therefore, the whole CSS in that file is considered as comments.
when I remove these two characters in the inspect element, the site back to normal.
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Philip Faster.
- This reply was modified 4 years ago by Philip Faster. Reason: sorry i mean a comment, not just a syntax
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LuckyWP Table of Contents] Contribution: Show actively watched headinghi @etribalnick, you may attach a link you working with. So we may check the trouble you encounter.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LuckyWP Table of Contents] Contribution: Show actively watched headingHi @fox_creation,
I already tried your version, but it has some bugs:
1. if the TOC depth is less than the heading levels in the articles, then sometimes it will not show any “active state”.
2. it doesn’t work well if Google Adsense is I already try another modified JS from
The CSS:
.lwptoc_item a.activeScroll{ font-weight: bold; border-left: 2px solid red; padding-left: 3px; margin-left: -5px; display: block; }
The JS:
<!-- TOC highlights active state --> <!-- --> <script> $ = jQuery; $(document).ready( function(){ const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { entries.forEach(entry => { // get span <code>id</code> const id ='id'); if (id.length){ var showCurrentTOC = $(".lwptoc_item a[href='#"+ id +"']"); // check if id exist in TOC if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0 && showCurrentTOC.length) { // clear all active class on TOC then apply a class on selected id $(".lwptoc_item a").removeClass( 'activeScroll' ); showCurrentTOC.addClass( 'activeScroll' ); //scroll to current TOC list $(".widget_lpwtoc_widget").scrollTop($(".widget_lpwtoc_widget").scrollTop() + showCurrentTOC.position().top - ($(".widget_lpwtoc_widget").height()/2) ); } else { } } }); }); // Track all span that have an <code>id</code> applied document.querySelectorAll('span[id]').forEach((span) => { observer.observe(span); }); }); </script>
Hi @theluckywp,
also, I already add function to scroll into the current TOC list after adding an active class.please check it on my website
known bug:
I know this method is not the best, because the active state is updated when any heading is displayed. So, when scrolling from the bottom, TOC active state may not be updated to the previous heading until it displayed.As far as I know, it is better to use section tag on heading and its content. But it need to append sections in all the heading and its content.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Philip Faster. Reason: modify css
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Philip Faster.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by t-p.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Code Syntax Block] change theme has no line numberhi @mkaz,
1. yes I mean like that, but it doesn’t work on my site…
nevertheless, I’m using the “overwrite” method.2. Great, it works…
thank you very much.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] Conflict with LiteSpeed Cache pluginHi,
I think it’s better to exclude them, rather than disable the whole Lazy Load.
1. just go to LiteSpeed cache > page optimization
2. click on [5] media exclude tab
3. add “wmu-preview-img” (without quotes) in Lazy Load Image Class Name Excludes
4. Click Save Changes
5. Click Purge All buttonForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] wpdiscuzAjaxObj is not defined on v7yes as a temporary fix, we could exclude it from LiteSpeed lazy load.
or you could add this image class ‘wmu-preview-img’ in the Lazy Load Image Class Name Excludes.It works fine for me…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] wpdiscuzAjaxObj is not defined on v7Hi,
I already try some experiment in my Litespeed Cache setting,
and it is caused by LiteSpeed cache – Lazy Load Images turned ON.and it makes conflicting quotes from wpdiscuz and litespeed cache.
"wmuPreviewTemplate":"<div class='wmu-preview [PREVIEW_TYPE_CLASS]' title='[PREVIEW_TITLE]' data-wmu-type='[PREVIEW_TYPE]' data-wmu-attachment='[PREVIEW_ID]'><div class='wmu-preview-remove'><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" class='wmu-preview-img' data-src='[PREVIEW_ICON]'><noscript><img class='wmu-preview-img' src='[PREVIEW_ICON]'></noscript><div class='wmu-file-name'>[PREVIEW_FILENAME]<\/div><div class='wmu-delete'>\u00a0<\/div><\/div><\/div>"
you could see that litespeed add data-lazyloaded=”1″ using double quote.
and wpDiscuz using single quote inside the value of the “wmuPreviewTemplate” key.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] wpdiscuzAjaxObj is not defined on v7szmigieldesign,
Thank you for clarifying the filenames…
yes it has the same error…
and the same pointer
var wpdiscuzAjaxObj={ <== here note: { opened at line 1, column 20 (or 22 in your code because space)
<div class=’wmu-preview-remove’><img data-lazyloaded=”1″ <== and here SyntaxError: missing } after property list,
…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comments - wpDiscuz] wpdiscuzAjaxObj is not defined on v7HI,
The problem is gone when I’m disabling the wp Discuz
yes, data:dmFyIHdwZGlzY3V6QWpheE9iaj17IndjX2hpZGVfcmVwbGllc190ZXh0IjoiSGlkZSBSZXBsaWVzIiwid2Nfc2hvd19yZXB is from wpdiscuss, it has code as follow:
var wpdiscuzAjaxObj={"wc_hide_replies_text":"Hide Replies","wc_show_replies_text":"View Replies","wc_msg_required_fields":"Please fill out required fields","wc_invalid_field":"Some of field value is invalid","wc_error_empty_text":"please fill out this field to comment","wc_error_url_text":"url is invalid","wc_error_email_text":"email address is invalid","wc_invalid_captcha":"Invalid Captcha Code","wc_login_to_vote":"You Must Be Logged In To Vote","wc_deny_voting_from_same_ip":"You are not allowed to vote for this comment","wc_self_vote":"You cannot vote for your comment","wc_vote_only_one_time":"You've already voted for this comment","wc_voting_error":"Voting Error","wc_comment_edit_not_possible":"Sorry, this comment no longer possible to edit","wc_comment_not_updated":"Sorry, the comment was not updated","wc_comment_not_edited":"You've not made any changes","wc_msg_input_min_length":"Input is too short","wc_msg_input_max_length":"Input is too long","wc_spoiler_title":"Spoiler Title","wc_cannot_rate_again":"You cannot rate again","wc_not_allowed_to_rate":"You're not allowed to rate here","wc_follow_user":"Follow this user","wc_unfollow_user":"Unfollow this user","wc_follow_success":"You started following this comment author","wc_follow_canceled":"You stopped following this comment author.","wc_follow_email_confirm":"Please check your email and confirm the user following request.","wc_follow_email_confirm_fail":"Sorry, we couldn't send confirmation email.","wc_follow_login_to_follow":"Please login to follow users.","wc_follow_impossible":"We are sorry, but you can't follow this user.","wc_follow_not_added":"Following failed. Please try again later.","is_user_logged_in":"1","commentListLoadType":"0","commentListUpdateType":"0","commentListUpdateTimer":"30","liveUpdateGuests":"0","wordpressThreadCommentsDepth":"2","wordpressIsPaginate":"","commentTextMaxLength":null,"commentTextMinLength":"1","storeCommenterData":"100000","isGoodbyeCaptchaActive":"","socialLoginAgreementCheckbox":"1","enableFbLogin":"0","enableFbShare":"0","facebookAppID":"","facebookUseOAuth2":"0","enableGoogleLogin":"0","googleClientID":"","googleClientSecret":"","cookiehash":"b05a5c7d89244a5086f81d236784d3d9","isLoadOnlyParentComments":"0","enableDropAnimation":"1","isNativeAjaxEnabled":"0","enableBubble":"0","bubbleLiveUpdate":"0","bubbleHintTimeout":"45","bubbleHintHideTimeout":"10","cookieHideBubbleHint":"wpdiscuz_hide_bubble_hint","bubbleShowNewCommentMessage":"1","bubbleLocation":"right_corner","firstLoadWithAjax":"0","wc_copied_to_clipboard":"Copied to clipboard!","inlineFeedbackAttractionType":"blink","loadRichEditor":"1","wpDiscuzReCaptchaSK":"","wpDiscuztheme":"light","wpDiscuzReCaptchaVersion":"2.0","wc_captcha_show_for_guest":"0","wc_captcha_show_for_members":"0","wpDiscuzIsShowOnSubscribeForm":"0","wmuEnabled":"1","wmuInput":"wmu_files","wmuMaxFileCount":"1","wmuMaxFileSize":"2097152","wmuPostMaxSize":"8388608","wmuIsLightbox":"1","wmuMimeTypes":{"jpg|jpeg|jpe":"image\/jpeg","gif":"image\/gif","png":"image\/png","bmp":"image\/bmp","tiff|tif":"image\/tiff","ico":"image\/x-icon"},"wmuPhraseConfirmDelete":"Are you sure you want to delete this attachment?","wmuPhraseNotAllowedFile":"Not allowed file type","wmuPhraseMaxFileCount":"Maximum number of uploaded files is 1","wmuPhraseMaxFileSize":"Maximum upload file size is 2MB","wmuPhrasePostMaxSize":"Maximum post size is 8MB","msgEmptyFile":"File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini.","msgPostIdNotExists":"Post ID not exists","msgUploadingNotAllowed":"Sorry, uploading not allowed for this post","msgPermissionDenied":"You do not have sufficient permissions to perform this action","wmuSecurity":"cb0b35c598","wmuKeyImages":"images","wmuSingleImageWidth":"auto","wmuSingleImageHeight":"200","wmuPreviewTemplate":"<div class='wmu-preview [PREVIEW_TYPE_CLASS]' title='[PREVIEW_TITLE]' data-wmu-type='[PREVIEW_TYPE]' data-wmu-attachment='[PREVIEW_ID]'><div class='wmu-preview-remove'><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" class='wmu-preview-img' data-src='[PREVIEW_ICON]'><noscript><img class='wmu-preview-img' src='[PREVIEW_ICON]'></noscript><div class='wmu-file-name'>[PREVIEW_FILENAME]<\/div><div class='wmu-delete'>\u00a0<\/div><\/div><\/div>","version":"7.0.0","wc_post_id":"1505","loadLastCommentId":"0","isCookiesEnabled":"1","dataFilterCallbacks":[],"is_email_field_required":"1","url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","customAjaxUrl":"https:\/\/\/articles\/wp-content\/plugins\/wpdiscuz\/utils\/ajax\/wpdiscuz-ajax.php","bubbleUpdateUrl":"https:\/\/\/articles\/wp-json\/wpdiscuz\/v1\/update"};var wpdiscuzUCObj={"msgConfirmDeleteComment":"Are you sure you want to delete this comment?","msgConfirmCancelSubscription":"Are you sure you want to cancel this subscription?","msgConfirmCancelFollow":"Are you sure you want to cancel this follow?"};
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] LQIP ErrorHi,
I have the same problem, with SVG files from latex…
but the errors in occurs every day. Are those failed files will take any LQIP Quota?________________
Requests in queue: 14 (today) and all are svg.Size list in queue waiting for cron: 297x36 [mydomain]/wp-content/ql-cache/ 302x36 [mydomain]/wp-content/ql-cache/ 491x41 [mydomain]/wp-content/ql-cache/ ... 404x123 [mydomain]/wp-content/ql-cache/
any error messages with similar files in website:
Error: lqip generator error: Error: Unsupported MIME type: application/xml
maybe, would be great if LiteSpeed could add some “Exclude” feature in LQIP (similar to CSS/JS combine).
- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Philip Faster.
Hi Joost de Valk,
In my cache plugin, I’m disabling the object cache.