Philip Ze
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Problem updating config quick adsenseeeem .. the custom-ads-sidebar is not in the quick adsense. I believe the Warning message is due the conflict.
Good suggestion, will take this into consideration for future release. thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] How to place Quicktag into the posts without showing ads?You can use insert
<!--OffBegin-->, <!--OffMiddle-->, <!--OffEnd-->, <!--OffAfMore-->, <!--OffBfLastPara-->
in a post to disable the ads… for v1.9.2Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Ads now showing with Featured ImageIC, it will then need to examine the theme code to see where the problem is …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: How to block Google ads from appearing on certain Pages?The latest version (v1.9.2) of Quick Adsense has the features to disable Ads on-the-fly, simply insert
… and more to a post to accomplish this. Check it out Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Quick Adsense v1.9.2 releasedFrom the post, I can’t identify where is the problem. Ok, first thing first, can you confirm that the 250×250 ads is assigned to the Beginning of Post? If so, then the
should be able to disable it.It’s also possible that your theme render the video category differently. So, try switch to default theme to test it out & pls let me know the result… thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Why before the last paragraph Ads unite not working properly?The plugin identify the last <p> to insert ads into the last paragraph. So, check the post content, see whether it got any unusual <p></p> at the end of the content.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Exclude ads from a particular categoryThanks for your suggestion. We’ll try our best to include this feature in future release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Quick Adsense Hangs on SavingDeactivate other plugins or change the theme & try save your changes again. Please let us know which plugin/theme is conflicting with Quick Adsense, we will try out best to fix it.
As for the data, just leave the ads textbox blank & save, it will then replace the old code. Similar to other plugin, Quick Adsense save the setting into your wp database. So, the data can only be deleted through accessing the database directly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Quick Adsense v1.9.2 releasedHi usmanmohammadi,
You can insert
anywhere within the post to disable the ads that you assigned to the Beginning of Post. Try switch to default theme & test it out again.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] How to avoid Adsense unite appearing next to the images?Hi Bluemad,
IC, now I got what you mean. So far the plugin v1.9.2 is not able to prevent ads appearing in certain places. However, I will take note of this & look into the possible method for this. What I can think of is to use tags to tell the plugin not to insert ads within certain area. Thanks for your suggestion.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Quick Adsense v1.9.2 releasedHi JamesPenn,
I’ve just visited your page & notice that the plugin will have problem inserting this ads if the html is typed in difference way. In fact, there are some code modification to insert ads after the image in this version of the plugin (v1.9.2)…. anyway, here are two methods you can do a workaround … thanks for your feedback, will fix this in the next release.
Modify the Code (if you are familiar with coding)
1. Under your WP admin panel, click Plugin. Then, click the ‘edit’ link under Quick Adsense.2. Scroll or use browser to search for the following line:
$cdu = ( count($tuu) > 1 ) ? strpos(strtolower($tuu[0]),'<a href')===false : false ;
3. Replace it with the following line:
$cdu = ( count($tuu) > 1 ) ? strpos(strtolower($tuu[0]),' href=')===false : false ;
## OR ##
Modify your contents
1. The plugin detect & identify<a href
right after the image, to avoid insert ads inside this<a href
link. So, if your link is entered differently it will result ads being inserted into the wrong place.2. For example your link is:
<a title="6 Natural Ways To Prevent and Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs" href="https://..."
3. So, change it to this format will solve the problem:
<a href="https://..." title="6 Natural Ways To Prevent and Get Rid Of Fleas On Dogs" ...
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Quick Adsense v1.9.2 releasedHi Tonnier, glad that you love the plugin ??
Also, thanks for sharing the code, I’ve saved it & will make any possible modification for future release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Place ad at very end of postThe plugin insert ad within the text contents, whereas the other plugins insert the social code outside the text contents. So, it’s unlikely for the plugin to insert ads after any other plugins and the post’s tags/categories.
However, we take this as future feature if possible, where allow users to modify the theme (insert a tag anywhere in the theme) to insert ads. thanks for your feedback.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] Middle ad working badHi, I have examine the plugin code & it seems that the plugin works well with WP 3.5.1. As for the middle ads move well down to the bottom of the page, I believe it is due to the page contents structure. Actually, the plugin detect <p> as indicators to insert the middle ads.
I have visited a page of yours at & notice that some page are works well. However, if the middle ads doesn’t fit to your page correctly, I suggest you use the <!–Ads1–>, <!–Ads2–>, etc. to insert ads on-the-fly.
For your info, v1.9.2 will be released soon … with the new feature “insert ads before the last paragraph” & more … ??