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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] How to add schema in yoast@rajat-dutt of you follow the link I provided, you can see the file that is intended to fix this. Save the original file in the Woocommerce directory (the full path is shown in fit), and replace it with the one at the link. You’ll need ftp or shell access to your back end.
Worse case, this issue really isn’t that serious and it seems Woocommerce will be fixing it shortly.
There is no plugin that I know of that fixes this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] How to add schema in yoastWoocommerce has a fix for this coming out (I think they intend to release it) that is available here.
I have no idea if it has been tested or not, but hopefully this helps you reduce your warnings and errors. I have deployed it on my site and I am awaiting a re-validation from google search console.
- This reply was modified 6 years ago by philrushworth. Reason: Formatting and clarity
I think I have found the code that controls this category display loop. Here it is:
<?php global $mk_options; $path = pathinfo(__FILE__) ['dirname']; include ($path . '/config.php'); $html = file_get_contents($path . '/template.php'); $html = phpQuery::newDocument($html); $id = Mk_Static_Files::shortcode_id(); $container = pq('.mk-category-loop'); $container->attr('id', 'mk-category-loop-' . $id); $container->addClass($title_hover.'-title-effect'); $container->addClass($image_hover.'-image-effect'); $container->addClass($layout_style.'-layout'); $container->addClass('mk--row'); $container->addClass($el_class); $container->addClass( $visibility ); // Classes for js traversing if($layout_style == 'masonry') { $container->addClass('js-masonry'); $container->find('.mk-loop-item')->addClass('js-masonry-item'); } $item = $container->find('.mk-loop-item')->remove(); $grid_width = $mk_options['grid_width']; /* * Converts slugs to term Ids * */ if(!function_exists('get_terms_by_slug')) { function get_terms_by_slug($slugs, $taxonomy) { $terms = explode(',', $slugs); $term_ids = array(); foreach ($terms as $term) { $term = get_term_by('slug', $term, $taxonomy ); if ( ! empty( $term->term_id ) ) { $term_ids[] = $term->term_id; } } return $term_ids; } } switch ($feed) { case 'post': $categories = get_categories(array( 'include' => $specific_categories_post )); break; case 'portfolio': $categories = get_terms('portfolio_category', array( 'include' => get_terms_by_slug($specific_categories_other, 'portfolio_category') )); break; case 'news': $categories = get_terms('news_category', array( 'include' => get_terms_by_slug($specific_categories_other, 'news_category') )); break; case 'product': $categories = get_terms('product_cat', array( 'include' => get_terms_by_slug($specific_categories_other, 'product_cat') )); break; } switch ($columns) { case 4: $column_class = 'mk--col mk--col--3-12'; $image_width = round($grid_width/4) - 28; break; case 3: $column_class = 'mk--col mk--col--4-12'; $image_width = round($grid_width/3) - 33; break; case 2: $column_class = 'mk--col mk--col--1-2'; $image_width = round($grid_width/2) - 38; break; default: $column_class = 'mk--col mk--col--1-2'; $image_width = round($grid_width/2) - 38; break; } foreach ($categories as $category) { $each_item = $item->clone(); $item_holder = $each_item->find('.item-holder'); $item_caption = $item_holder->find('figcaption'); if ( empty( $category->term_id ) ) { continue; } $category_link = get_category_link( $category->term_id ); //$each_item->find('.view-more')->attr('href', '#!'); //TODO : add links once styling is finished $each_item->addClass($column_class); $image_id = false; if($feed == 'product') { if ( class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) ) { $image_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta( $category->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true ); } } else { $image_id = is_array(get_tax_meta($category->term_id, 'mk_image_field_id')) ? get_tax_meta($category->term_id, 'mk_image_field_id') ['id'] : false; } $image_src = Mk_Image_Resize::resize_by_id($image_id, $image_size, $image_width, $row_height, $crop = true, $dummy = true); $each_item->find('.item-thumbnail')->attr('src', $image_src); //Adding html elements according to style if($title_hover == 'none' || $title_hover == 'simple' || $title_hover == 'framed') { $item_caption->append('<div class="caption"></div>') ->find('.caption') ->append('<div class="centered"></div>') ->find('.centered') ->append('<span class="item-title"></span>') ->find('.item-title') ->html($category->name); if($description == 'true') { if ($category->description) { //$each_item->find('.item-desc')->html($category->description); $item_caption->find('.centered') ->append('<span class="item-desc"></span>') ->find('.item-desc') ->html($category->description); } } $item_caption->append('<a class="view-more"></a>') ->find('.view-more') ->attr('href', esc_url( $category_link ) ); }else if ($title_hover == 'modern' || $title_hover == 'editorial') { $item_caption->append('<span class="item-title"></span>') ->find('.item-title') ->html($category->name); if($description == 'true') { if ($category->description) { $item_caption->append('<span class="item-desc"></span>') ->find('.item-desc') ->html($category->description); } } $item_caption->append('<a class="view-more"></a>') ->find('.view-more') ->attr('href', esc_url( $category_link ) ); } $item_caption->append('<div class="item-overlay"></div>'); $each_item->appendTo($container); } /** * Custom CSS Output * ================================================================================== */ Mk_Static_Files::addCSS(' #mk-category-loop-'.$id.' .mk-loop-item { padding-left: '.($gutter / 2).'px; padding-right: '.($gutter / 2).'px; padding-bottom: '.$gutter.'px; } #mk-category-loop-'.$id.' .mk-loop-item .item-holder .item-title, #mk-category-loop-'.$id.' .mk-loop-item .item-holder .item-desc{ color: '.$text_color.'; } #mk-category-loop-'.$id.' .mk-loop-item .item-holder figcaption .item-overlay { background-color: '.$overlay_color.'; } ', $id); if ($title_hover == 'editorial' ) { Mk_Static_Files::addCSS(' #mk-category-loop-'.$id.' .mk-loop-item .item-holder .item-title::after{ background-color: '.$text_color.'; } ', $id); }else if ($title_hover == 'framed' ) { Mk_Static_Files::addCSS(' #mk-category-loop-'.$id.' .mk-loop-item .item-holder figcaption::before{ border-color: '.$text_color.'; } ', $id); } // if($image_hover == 'gradient' || $image_hover == 'zoom' || $image_hover == 'slide' || $image_hover == 'blur' ) { // Mk_Static_Files::addCSS(' // #mk-category-loop-'.$id.' .mk-loop-item .item-holder { // background-color: '.$overlay_color.'; // } // '); // }
Hi Thanks for the reply! Truly appreciated. I swapped the code as requested and the situation has improved.
The badge still shows up as expected on the single product page.
It now shows up on the tea category page (which we don’t actually use) it still doesn’t show up on our product page: page uses visual composer product loops.
Thanks for the help!
PhilForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Giftable for WooCommerce] No gifts on cart pageI’m experiencing the same issue.
Wordpress Version 4.7.4
WooCommerce Version: 3.0.5
Theme: Jupiter (child theme with minor aethetic changes)
A tonne of plugins. ??Here are some screen caps of the config and the cart with no gift. am getting the following errors from wp_debug:
If you could get me pointed in the right direction, I would appreciate it. I’m hoping to hack this into shape. Sounds like an
PhilForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Inline Upload] [Plugin: Inline Upload] Not working in IESame issue here. Would love if a solution came up. I installed the plugin and tested it with some small files in Chrome. Worked like a charm. My friend tried it and told me of an error he was getting:
“Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”
(IE… grrr).
Any info on how to coerce this plugin to work in IE would be swell…