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I had a similar problem where after installing and activating, the plugin would not display its admin menu. The stats and activity widgets would display, but no menu option.
I solved this by turning off all plugins and then enabling WP Ultimate CSV Importer. The menu appeared and stayed on when I turned on various other plugins. When I turned on ‘Groups’ the menu disappeared.
Not exactly scientific, but perhaps this info will help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nav Menu Roles] Getting Roles from 'Groups' (Groups plugin)So I’ve been exploring the ‘nav_menu_roles_item_visibility’ as helgatheviking suggested and ended up writing a plugin to add Group names as custom roles and enable a filter to turn on menu items when a group-based role has been selected. This approach reduces chance of user error and the redundancy of having to add a capability within Groups.
The plugin has two functions:
1) nmr_groups_to_roles – almost exactly like the function that I started this thread with except the name is more accurate and the $key for $roles[$key] is also the name of the Group. This is important because when we compare arrays of Group names and NMR roles in the next function, $items->roles is an array of the $key values, not the names of the roles. (‘nmr’ is short for Nav Menu Roles, of course.) (BTW – I scoured the Groups API and forum but couldn’t find a way to pull just the names of the Groups w/o a direct database query.)
2) nmr_item_visibility – this is the filter modeled after helgatheviking’s example in the NMR FAQ. It puts the current user’s groups into an array and then checks to see if any of those groups are also in the $item->roles array using array_intersect. Here’s the code:/* Add Group names as custom roles to Nav Menu Roles menu list param: $roles an array of all available roles, by default is global $wp_roles return: array */ function nmr_groups_to_roles ( $roles ) { global $wpdb; $order_by = 'name'; $order = 'ASC'; $group_table = _groups_get_tablename( "group" ); if ( $groups = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT group_id FROM $group_table ORDER BY $order_by $order" )) { foreach( $groups as $group ) { $group = new Groups_Group( $group->group_id ); // set $key of $roles to $group->name; // this is important because $item->roles is an array of the $key values $roles [$group->name] = $group->name; } } return $roles; } add_filter( 'nav_menu_roles', 'nmr_groups_to_roles' ); /* Set visibility of menu item to true, if - current user is a member of a group - AND that group has been given permission to see the menu item via Menu interface param: $visible boolean param: $item object, the complete menu object. Nav Menu Roles adds its info to $item->roles return: boolean */ function nmr_item_visibility( $visible, $item ){ if( isset( $item->roles ) && is_array( $item->roles ) ){ $current_users_groups = array(); // get current user's groups and put into array $user_ID = get_current_user_id(); $user = new Groups_User( $user_ID ); $groups = $user->groups; foreach( $groups as $group ) { $current_users_groups[] = $group->name; } if (! empty($current_users_groups)) { // if any of the user's groups are among the roles selected via Nav Menu Groups, set visibility to true if ((bool) array_intersect($current_users_groups, $item->roles) ) { $visible = true; } } } return $visible; } add_filter( 'nav_menu_roles_item_visibility', 'nmr_item_visibility', 10, 2);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nav Menu Roles] Getting Roles from 'Groups' (Groups plugin)Hi, helgatheviking. I’m not sure if this answers your question
I couldn’t tell you how to determine if the current user in in a specific group?
but you can try the following which I also posted in Groups forum under your comment ??
$user = new Groups_User( $user_id ); $groups = $user->groups; print_r($groups);
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Groups] list of groupsAlso, just figured out that this will return an array of the groups of the specified user if you know the User ID:
$user = new Groups_User( $user_id ); $groups = $user->groups; print_r($groups);
Try it in your theme’s functions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Groups] list of groupsIf you are looking to print the list of a user’s groups to the screen, there is a shortcode for that per the documentation:
[groups_user_groups] – Lists the current user’s or a specific user’s groups.
If you want to do it via your own code, take a look at class-groups-shortcodes.php in plugins/groups/lib/views/ and see how the author uses a SELECT query to pull those. Perhaps a direct database query is not ideal from our perspective but it works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Nav Menu Roles] Getting Roles from 'Groups' (Groups plugin)You’re welcome. Thanks for the great plugin!
I agree… there ought to be a better way. I looked for a while and found a few posts like this Groups support thread that point to a direct query solution on github. I ended up borrowing from Groups’ shortcode handler code from the plugin itself (see lib/views/class-groups-shortcode.php).
If I come up with something better I’ll add to this topic.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] wp-cron 404There’s more info in the FAQ. Does that help?
What do I do if I get the wp-cron error message
The issue is that your wp-cron.php is not returning a 200 response when hit with a http request originating from your own server, it could be several things, most of the time it’s an issue with the server / site and not with BackUpWordPress.
Some things you can test are.
Are scheduled posts working? (They use wp-cron too).
Are you hosted on Heart Internet? (wp-cron is known not to work with them).
If you click manual backup does it work?
Try adding define( ‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’, true ); to yourwp-config.php`, do automatic backups work?
Is your site private (I.E. is it behind some kind of authentication, maintenance plugin, .htaccess) if so wp-cron won’t work until you remove it, if you are and you temporarily remove the authentication, do backups start working?If you have tried all these then feel free to contact support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AnythingSlider autoplay problemIf you look in the plugins/slideshow directory and open up slideshow.js, you’ll find ‘timeout’ in the jquery cycle settings (line 32 of the code):
timeout: 0,
Comment that line out or remove it altogether to get your autoplay to work.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: 3.1.4 to 3.2 and admin functions are not workingI share this fix in case it is pertinent to your setup. It works for mine, but may have no use for others.
I lost drag and drop functionality (and perhaps more) in the menu admin interface after updating to 3.2.1. I was able to get it working again when I commented out the code in my custom functions.php file that was deregistering WP’s jquery and replacing it with the library hosted by google. This is what the original code looked like:
/* Deregister native jquery and register google's */ wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' ); wp_register_script( 'jquery', ''); wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SH Slideshow] [Plugin: SH Slideshow] RandomizeThanks, Sam! Let me know if you need someone to test it when the time comes.
looks good, thanks! just need to change the version number in the code ??
Thanks, Mike – A couple things on v1.0.5
1) After removing the old and activating the new plugin, I got the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPBoilerplateShortcode::boilerplate_shortcode() in wp-content/plugins/wp-boilerplate-shortcode/wp-boilerplate-shortcode.php on line 32
Line 32 is looking for the function ‘boilerplate_shortcode’ but in this version it is called ‘shortcode’. So, I changed ‘shortcode’ on line 40 (where you add_shortcode) and the name of the function on line 171 to ‘boilerplate_shortcode’. That cleared the error.
2) I still had the problem with the css class not appearing. In the function ‘shortcode’ (now called ‘boilerplate_shortcode’ in my copy) $class is not defined. I simply added
$class = $args->class;
below line 204, where $div_id is defined and now my css class is appearing as expected.It had me pulling my hair out too after upgrading to WP 3.0, but I encourage you to try out the sample code found here:
I added it to function.php and it worked for me, so I’ve disabled this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: view category list in page with custom write panelThank you, MichaelH, that code did the trick and saved my bacon.