Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 2.8.1 not recognised2.8.2 is out, with its own share of issues. I hope this one has been fixed.
yesanswer: seriously, why did you bother typing in that answer? If I’m posting about it, it’s enough of a problem to me, which is a sufficient condition in itself; plus, it’s an instance of WP not behaving properly, which should be reported regardless of the trouble it causes. And reinstalling from scratch is exactly what I did before posting.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading images fails — Read error in image.phpProblem solved: The webhost suddenly decided that I had maxed out my FTP quota. Of course it took me two phone calls to get the information (the first operator told me everything was fine, accusing me and my installation to be the problem), and of course I had no means to get this information myself since their user-side FTP quota CGI script has been broken for ages.
Now for a final rant, that’s what you will get from OVH as a webhost: low-quality service with an inexistent help desk and clueless script programmers.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading images fails — Read error in image.phpI have documented the issue on the help forums at the concerned ISP.
Someone suggested this is a consequence of an Apache update which inadvertently increased security settings, and this sounds intuitively like a good explanation.
Now I am going to spend time on the phone with OVH, who is not being very smart about the issue, telling me instead WP is to blame (something I never seriously suspected myself).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading images fails — Read error in image.phpWhat I feared was going to happen, happened: the webhost blamed WordPress. Stalemate.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading images fails — Read error in image.phpNo, nothing upgraded recently.
I’ll call my webhost tomorrow, I wonder what they are going to tell me.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading images fails — Read error in image.phpAbsolutely, it stopped working out of nowhere and I have a huge quota at my webhost. The webhost has not updated PHP either, so I really am at a loss here…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Uploading images fails — Read error in image.phpThanks for the reply; How do I read such logs please?
(Nothing was changed on my webserver in the last months; perhaps it could be that I maxed out my space on my webhosting platform?)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.5 upgrade: Database encoding serious problemsSolution: comment the DB_CHARSET line in the wp-config.php file. Found in this comment:
I had a similar problem on my blog and all I had to do was to add // to one line in wp-config.php
I changed
define(’DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8′);
// define(’DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8′);
And everything was fine.
Your link was helpful in the end, thanks very much! Lesson: always check the comments.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.5 upgrade: Database encoding serious problemsThanks, but I don’t think it does: my database is configured for UTF-8. Here’s a copy of my server settings:
character set client utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set connection utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set database latin1
character set filesystem binary
character set results utf8
(Global value) latin1
character set server latin1
character set system utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation connection utf8_unicode_ciIt seems to me everything is well set for feeding WP with UTF-8. Help!