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  • Thread Starter photoman856


    Ok – so no dupes. Still – a text SKU is just not really a Good Thing. As Martha would say…

    I also get that the paying projects must take the front burner. I may have to revisit this as I do feel it is a big feature that is missing from almost all wordpress carts. I’d be glad to pay for a version that offered the numeric SKU – with setup capabiites.

    At least we have your, well done, existing PI to work from – thanks for that!

    =Alan R.

    Thread Starter photoman856


    Perhaps we need to get a bunch of other people to chime in on this so we can get enough to make it a popular request! ??

    I started to look at the PHP code of the plugin, and it shouldn’t be that tough to do ones own mod to handle this. It is just that my time is really tied up on other areas, and I can’t take the time to work thru it – bit as I said, for an experienced plug-in developer, it should be a piece ‘o cake.

    =Alan R.

    Thread Starter photoman856


    Beka – I hope you would re-think this idea and place it at the top of your “new feature” queue for this plug-in. Perhaps you can take Martin’s post along with mine as making this a ‘popular request’.

    First – the selection of a string of characters is a poor choice for an SKU as there is the possibility of duplication. And the code to prevent this would be far more complex than just selecting a number from a master counter. Of course the end user can monitor for duplication, but that pretty much negates the value of having an SKU generator.

    Second – the effort to code this is trivial. As a successful plug-in author you definitely have the coding skills – I should think adding such a feature couldn’t take more than an hour – even WITH a coffee break… LOL!

    All that is needed is to add a column to the SQL database that is a master counter – during setup the user initializes the counter to their desired starting value. In the setup you can offer the choice of using the existing text-string style or the numeric style.

    To implement the numeric SKU is a simple process of accessing the master counter thru a SQL UPDATE statement; grab the current value, increment and UPDATE, and use the value to go place in the SKU field of the product.

    As I say – I’ll bet you could throw this together inside an hour and have a FAR more useful plugin.

    I’ll ‘third’ that motion. A clear subject line for easy filtering to the admin, and a custom message that the user sees on first attempt to join, to allow each site to indicate why they are requiring the Approve/Deny cycle.

    Great tool as it stands – has completely (so far!) killed off the user registrations from scam-services wanting to be able to auto-insert crap ads on out classified swap site.

    More input on this: I checked the MySql database and the new users ([email protected]) not only get created, but get their default password generated. Dunno they are getting this and can log in again, or if your blocking prevents the email from going out. I have gone in and simple cleared the password column on bogus users – that def keeps them from getting in again! Wonder if you could add that sort of feature?

    =Alan R.

    I can “me-too” that issues. At we’ve had a heavy flood of spammers registering and posting bogus ads. It appears they all are using [email protected], so I put on the list.

    While they may be getting blocked, the new user still gets created. I tested this with a bogus hotmail account. Naturally I never got a confirming email, but the user WAS created. It would see that if any entity on your blacklist is found, their user should not even be created.

    The site is using the Classipress theme/addon for ad-creation, but they offer no help in this area. thanks for having SOMETHING to address this.

    =Alan R.

    Thread Starter photoman856


    More: This is in reference to an actual permalink ‘dashboard’ (bad name as it may conflict, and is hard to search for info) that is now giving the 404 error. This may be a Classipress ‘feature’…

    Thread Starter photoman856


    Ok – thanks to all – will give her tip a go… didn’t quite get it at first.

    Thread Starter photoman856


    The path to the parent theme styles folder is:

    I’ve been testing so much I took the rule out of child css file. I’ve just put it back and if you view the site now with Firbug you should see my color of #929292 being over-ridden by red-black.css

    What I meant to say in “easy to envision is, simply, that the red menu bar doesn’t change to gray – so nothing to show… I guess.

    The child theme is being recognized overall – I’ve had help and put in a new page template in the child theme which IS being recognized. Other minor changes have showed up as expected.

    So – is the fact that the css in parent theme is nested down a folder level sort of ‘break’ the usual easy child-theme over-ride of css rules? I haven’t got any replies on the ClassiPress mod forum either… must be a little tricky.

    =Alan R.

    Thread Starter photoman856


    Hmm – the problem is quit easy to envision WITHOUT a link. I can find the piece of css with Firebug, and edit it, and the color changes. When I put that same piece of css in the child-theme css file the color does NOT change. So this is really a child-theme question. I’m new to child themes – there is a style.css in the child-theme folder and when I add the css rule (as above, with new color codes) it gets over-ridden by the css file which lives inside the theme. My understanding was that whatever I put in the css in the child theme folder over-rode EVERYTHING in the parent theme.

    The site is at: All you will be able to do is, like me, change the color in the css via Firebug. But I can’t see how that will help you tell me why my css files are not being recognized… but ANY help will be most appreciated at this pont!

    =Alan R.

    Thread Starter photoman856


    Awesome! Tks again…

    Thread Starter photoman856


    Lisa – Thanks so much!

    So one last confirmation: Even though the nested includes folder contains many files, I just have to replicate the PATH and the files I want to monkey with… Right? Makes more sense that way – would be a shame to have to do the entire folder.

    =Alan R.

    Thread Starter photoman856


    Thanks Curtiss – Will give your ideas a go.

    =Alan R.

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