Forum Replies Created
On second thought, I noticed that the images are uploaded to s3,checking the edit page of each image, under the file url, we have the s3 url,but the url in the post content still points to the local server. So it’s either you write the post content with the windows live writer and upload the images with your wp dashboard or you wait for the pro version,which will handle the search and replace of media url’s to their corresponding s3 url’s that are found inside post content. Check out the preview here.
My Windows live writer works well with the plugin, the only issue I noticed is that the images uploaded via the writer are uploaded twice, an additional thumb, which is certainly an issue with the writer not the plugin. Images goes directly to s3. Please check the plugin settings and try again.
Also the Window Live writer uses the XML-RPC to communicate with your to blog, and according to this support the plugin hooks into wp_update_attachment_metadata which is also used by the XML-PRC class to upload images. Please double check and report your results.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jssor Slider by] syntax error in PHP ver 5.3.28Please upgrade to php 5.4 or higher to fix the error..
Are your urls still pointing to your local server?.
First of all with the above s3 full access policy, if someone get’s access to your backend,he or she cannot use the plugin to delete any folder on your s3 account, the plugin settings does not allow any delete operation. The only delete operation the plugin performs is the delete object action the plugin performs for the permission check,image resize and when a media is deleted from the wordpress admin media page that has been uploaded to s3,all these actions runs behind the scene and should not border you as such.
But if someone get’s access to the keys you saved in your config file that has this full access policy, then with those keys alone,he or she has full access to your s3 account and can perform any action including all the delete operations.
I already told you if you are concerned about the full access policy refer to this support to better fine tune it.Add the Amazon s3 full access policy which should look something like this
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "*" } ] }
If you are not comfortable with the full access policy because of security concerns, you can refer to this support to better fine tune your policy.
Add the Amazon s3 full access policy which should look something like this
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "*" } ] }
If you are not comfortable with the full access policy because of security concerns, you can refer to this support to better fine tune your policy.
@the Portland Company
I believe the pro version of this plugin will handle what you are trying to do here.It will not only process your preexisting media files,it will also do a proper search and replace of the url of those preexisting media files that have been previously saved in post content with their new s3 url. Having said that,since you did a global search and replace, pick one of those posts with the broken images,go to the edit page of the post,check whether your search and replace did actually change the url of the images to s3 url?
.. or you searched and replaced the content of your posts with the new s3 url?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jssor Slider by] uploading pictures@806nbo
check the folder wp-content/jssor-slider if you can see any of the image files you uploaded and report your result..
You have to be more specific with your issue, can you see the admin settings after activating the plugin?. What are your settings?. Are you getting the insufficient write error?,Are the files uploaded to your s3 account but media files still pointing to your local?. Give us something to work with, like must users on this support thread have done. As for me the plugin is working ok on my end.
Thank You.
@ The Portland Company
Nope. I manually migrated all of the preexisting ones and then did a find and replace of the database to point from local to the remote.
May I know the table you altered with the new s3 url,is it the wp_post table under the guild column?.
@polevaultweb Thanks
This is how the plugin works, for every media file it uploads to s3, it insert a row to the wp_postmeta table using the add_post_meta(), this way the plugin knows the files that have been uploaded to s3 before its serves them.This is what you will do, write a script than will add post meta data for all your media files like so.
// foreach objects in your s3 account populate the following args $args = array( 'bucket' => $bucket, 'key' => $key, 'region' => $region, ); add_post_meta( $media_id, 'amazonS3_info', $args );
After running this db upgrade, the plugin will serve your files from s3, I have tried it on my end and it’s working. If you need further assistance please do let me know.
Thank You.