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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Flickr field for Advanced Custom Fields] Time for photoset inside field….If you increase the admin cache parameter photos will remain in cache longer and yes, that will usually make photos load faster.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Regenerate Thumbnails] Compatible with WordPress 4.5.3?confirmed, does not work
All the settings are located in the ACF field type. See screenshots.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ElasticPress] WPML and custom post typesThanks.
I used another workaround though:
// // Add wpml metadata to index // add_filter( 'ep_config_mapping', 'index_elastic_meta' ); function index_elastic_meta ( $mapping ) { $mapping['mappings']['post']['properties']['wpml_language'] = array( 'type' => 'string' ); return $mapping; } add_filter( 'ep_post_sync_args', 'add_elastic_meta' ); function add_elastic_meta ( $post_args, $post_id=false ) { if ( $post_args['post_id'] ) { $lang_info = wpml_get_language_information($post_args['post_id']); $post_args['post_meta']['wpml_language'] = $lang_info['language_code']; } return $post_args; }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ElasticPress] WPML and custom post typesHi,
Is there a way to solve this without adjusting the core plugin files? (like with a hook)
Cool, resolving this.
Try this:
include_once(WP_PLUGIN_DIR. '/flickrfield/phpflickr/phpFlickr.php'); $f = new phpFlickr('<INSERT_API_KEY_HERE>'); $set_info = $f->photosets_getInfo('<INSERT_FLICKR_SET_ID_HERE>'); var_dump($set_info);
Dont know about photo cover, it might be the “primary” value in the results above.
Resolving because of irrelevance to actual plugin.
These tips now are more “general PHP lessons” than actual flickr field problems but okay ??
What’s the content of $flickr_photostream?
Does it work now? If so, can you mark this as resolved?
The code above is for photostream. If you want to display sets, use:
$flickr_set = get_field('flickr_test'); if (isset($flickr_set['items'])) { foreach ($flickr_set['items'] as $id => $photos) { foreach ($photos as $photo) { echo '<a href="' . $photo['large'] . '" title="' . $photo['title'] . '"><img src="' . $photo['thumb'] . '" /></a>'; } } }
Sets are albums yes.
That code is correct but replace flickr_test with the field how you named it, and wrap “” around it.
Like this:
$flickr_photostream = get_field("my_flickrfield_name");
The photos in the set / gallery have to be public in order to work.
Okay so you got an empty photoset array.. Which means the API key / User ID is fine.
I’m assuming you just don’t have any public sets/albums available on your Flickr account.. Can you check that?
That error has nothing to do with the flickr field problem as far as i know.
Mhm i just tried ACF4.4.4 with WordPress 4.4 and everything works..
So it must be within the api key/ user id.
Could you
after row 413 of acf-flickr-v4.php and tell me what’s in it?