Forum Replies Created
Oh, thanks. That’s quite strange. I don’t think I have changed anything from the default settings.
Now I’ve set the default itemType to be “product”, is there any way to change all existing ratings to be “product”?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Non-English urls no longer redirectNewly added redirections work fine now. But previous ones still don’t work properly. See the link in my original post for example.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Non-English urls no longer redirectSent, thanks!
I noticed that all recent redirections automatically used another character set somehow. An example:
“id”: 6568,
“url”: “/\u5e38\u89c1\u65e0\u5e74\u8d39\u4fe1\u7528\u5361\u5217\u8868/”,
“match_url”: “regex”,
“match_data”: {
“source”: {
“flag_query”: “exact”,
“flag_case”: false,
“flag_trailing”: false,
“flag_regex”: true
“action_code”: 301,
“action_type”: “url”,
“action_data”: {
“url”: “/list-of-no-annual-fee-credit-cards/”
“match_type”: “url”,
“title”: “”,
“hits”: 42,
“regex”: true,
“group_id”: 2,
“position”: 951,
“last_access”: “2019-06-19”,
“enabled”: true
}Maybe this is the reason why it stopped working. I am not sure what caused this change…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Non-English urls no longer redirectSure! Can you give an email address? I think it’s better not to paste the JSON file in a public forum…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Redirection] Non-English urls no longer redirect This website can translate non-English urls. I think the default setting (UTF-8) is the one we currently use.
Note: is equivalent to长期持有信用卡推荐/ in all modern browsers.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Conflict with YasrOps, I found the origin of the problem. It’s “Hotlink Protection: Protect your images from off-site linking.” option from CloudFlare that breaks Yasr when Autoptimize is on.
I see the problem, it’s the height of the Disqus region. I’ll start a new thread about this.
Now I see comments normal in , but not on google search results.
Hmmm, now I can see ~1 comment per post. Maybe I just need to wait.
Thanks! Now I indeed see disqus in some of our posts. But the non-amp disqus comments are not synced with the amp comments, thus the amp comments are blank. What should I do?
Interesting. I solved this problem by switching to another GA plugin: Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP).
Thanks! It worked.
Here’s my settings:
What is “error_log” file? I’m not quite sure how to find it.Please see this page in my staging site (with your plugin activated) for example:
On the contrary, this is the same page in my live site (with your plugin deactivated): Never mind. This question is actually already answered in this thread:
Logos should have a wide aspect ratio, not a square icon.
Logos should be no wider than 600px, and no taller than 60px.
Always retain the original aspect ratio of the logo when resizing. Ideally, logos are exactly 60px tall with width <= 600px. If maintaining a height of 60px would cause the width to exceed 600px, downscale the logo to exactly 600px wide and reduce the height accordingly below 60px to maintain the original aspect ratio.- This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by physixfan.