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  • Hello,
    Thanks in advance for you support. I’m currently using this Frontier Theme Version: 1.2.0. However, I’m having some issues as well with the slider. 1- I would like to add different images to show in the slider(no only one) Is that possible to place more than one image to show in the slider? If so, could you please tell me the steps to follow in order to make it possible? 2- I also would like the slider to show only in the home page of my site. However, currently the slider is showing in my home page and in my blog page. Could you please tell me how I can set the slider to show only on the home page?
    3- The slider is fixed. How I can make the slider to move automatically? Please note: I’m not trying to make posts on the slider or neither to share any other information rather than a few pictures(images) about my site. That’s pretty much it! Thanks. Your response will be greatly appreciated. Please also include the steps to follow in order to fix the above issues. God bless!

    Hello Paul, I really appreciate how quickly you responded to my issue to help me find the solution to my problem. It means a lot about your integrity and/or business ethics. However, I contacted my hosting company and I redirect them to this thread. They were able to fix the problem. I asked what specifically went wrong? I was informed that the problem that occurred with my site while downloading your plugin was that “there was a problem with .htaccess code.” They said the problem consisted in that “there was some redirection set to my domain.” I asked them to email you what specifically went wrong and what the plugin wrote to it, that way you could analyze the contents of that file as when the site was broken. I’m actually trying to find the .htaccess_bak file in my public_html folder so I can email it to you. Thanks a lot again for your wonderful technical support. I’m going back to download the plugin again and check it out.

    Please help,
    Hello there, I’m having the same issues. Right after installing the free version of this plugin to test how it looks before purchasing it, I’m having an “Internal Server Error” ( Everything was working fine until I click on activate this plugin. Now I can’t even login to wordpress. I’m using the last WordPress Frontier Theme. This issue just happened today 7/12/2014 around 4 pm eastern time.

    This is the link of the site on progress:
    vivofitcommunity(dot)com. Your help and support will be greatly appreciated! God bless!

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