Pierre Lebedel
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] Affichage en page d accueilSalut,
Je ne suis pas s?r de comprendre, avec les réglages en back-office, le compteur s’affiche au choix au début ou à la fin du contenu.
Pour ton problème, cela dépend de comment est fait ton thème. Il faut qu’il affiche le contenu de l’article pour que le compteur s’affiche également.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] Widgets most liked posts@flotys, non, toujours pas. Je n’ai toujours pas eu le temps de développer cette fonctionnalité… Peut-être à la prochaine mise à jour !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] Reset Likes?Hi, actually you have to find the concerned post metas in the database and delete or reset them.
Here are the four :
. You can remove them or set their meta value to empty to reset the countersForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] brilliant!!Hi wushu! Thanks for the review!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] Change color?Hi!
It’s not possible dynamically, so you have to override CSS like this :.kodex_buttons button.kodex_like_button{ background:red; } .kodex_buttons button.kodex_dislike_button{ background:green; } .kodex_buttons button:hover{ background:blue; }
Just modify the jQuery selector on the
file of the plugin :
Hi Keywahn!
Reinstall for now not change anything, I guess.
Meanwhile, you can try the change I made, it’s easy and you’ll see right away if it solves your problem.
Hope that helps!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] Only logged In users should voteHi! Thanks to use this plugin!
This is a feature that I want to develop when I will have time.For now, you can use shortcodes in your templates files like this :
if( is_user_logged_in() ){ echo do_shortcode('[kodex_post_like_buttons]'); }
But if you won’t (or can’t) edit your theme files, you must wait for the next release !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] Shortcodes don't workHi!
Did you paste the shortcode in the wysiwyg editor ?
And what other plugins do you have installed?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] How are votes logged?Hi!
It is possible to display liked articles in a period (this is done on the dashboard of the administration), but unfortunately it is not easy …
In reality, you have to get all the votes, and extract those whose period corresponds to that sought.
You can find an example of the procedure in the fileadmin/class-kodex-posts-likes-admin.php
between the lines 210 and 237.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] How are votes logged?Hi!
Actually, ou have to write some php code to do this.
I think I will develop this functionnality soon if I have some time.If ou want that now, you have to modify the single.php template of your theme, by doing something like this :
<?php if( is_user_logged_in() ){ do_shortcode( '[kodex_post_like_buttons]' ); } ?>
and disable the default display in the options.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] On ajax load like button don't work.Actually I don’t. The IP address is only stored if the user is not logged. I know it’s a problem, but if I have time soon, I will develop a better system
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] On ajax load like button don't work.Hi !
Thanks to use this plugin !
The ajax problem is now fixed on the new version 2.4.3Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kodex Posts likes] Modifier le nombre de Like via les Champs personnalisésBonjour,
C’est possible de modifier la valeur du postmeta manuellement, mais cette valeur sera automatiquement recalculée lors du prochain vote.
En fait chaque vote est enregistré, et le compteur est mis à jour avec le nombre de vote total, donc il n’est pas facile de tricher…