I think I’m having a similar problem, I’m using freebsd-5.2.1 with the lastest cvsupped ports. Software wise I have php4-4.3.7_1, apache-1.3.31, mysql-server-4.1.2 and the same for the mysql client. I can get as far as the third step then it hangs. Top reveals mysqld is running at around 88-90% cpu usage on an athlon AMD-K7(tm) Processor (548.94-MHz 686-class CPU). It stays that high for about 3 minutes and then the install page reports that it’s already installed and to clear my old database files if I want to reinstall.
If I go to my url that I specified it shows the webpage just fine except for one error on multiple spots on the page:
“Database error: [Table ‘wordpress.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]” with more output directly underneath it.
Check out https://www.pillo.org/wp/ for an example. I think the problem is with mysql, since we’re using alpha software when the wordpress docs specify mysql-323. I hope there’s a simple fix since I’m unable to deinstall 4.1 and install 3.23.