Sorry,i rewrite the problem:
My plugin which add a memu in admin page has two files.The codes of the main file(special.php) as follow:
add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘my_add_pages’);
function my_add_pages() {
add_menu_page(‘special’, ‘special’, ‘manage_options’, __FILE__, ‘specialPage’);
function specialPage() {
In the function specialPage(), I write a link:
<0a href=”admin.php?page=special/special_edit.php?do=edit&id=<?php echo $spec->spec_id;?>”>Edit</0a>
I write this link because i want to go to another file special_edit.php.the file is in the same folder(pligin/special) as special.php.
However,when i click the “Edit” link,it reminds me that “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page”.
Where does the problem come from ? How can I solve it?