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  • Thread Starter pineconez


    Thanks for the answers guys. Marked this as resolved.
    Is there any advantage to multiple part php sites?
    I don’t really understand the idea behind that, but it seems most use this technique.

    My idea on it has always been that it’s easier to have everything I need in one place, which is why I have always used this single file method.

    Thread Starter pineconez


    That’s good to know.
    Based on my above codeblock, besides the missing
    <?php get_sidebar();?>, would I have all the necessary items for plugins? Am I missing anything in that regard?

    Thread Starter pineconez


    @andrew, that would be the index.php within my theme directory.
    Structure: ../wp-content/themes/MyTheme/index.php

    Thread Starter pineconez


    Oh man, you’re the best! Just the second eyes that I needed.
    I was using <?php rewind_posts();?>, and neglected <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>.

    I’ve updated the original post to show both loops as they were. Is rewind_posts(); even necessary in this case?

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter pineconez


    No offence to the creators of the app, but, I have given three versions a try over the past few months. Of the three, only one was able to actually post photos, and even then I was not given the same options for posting photos as I am with the computer admin page, which would then ruin the layout and functionality of my website.

    I could see implementing this code not only being easier, but better than always having to wait on an app that has never worked properly for my (and obviously most of the people who rate it’s) needs. — Given that it is even possible, which I do not know.

    Thanks for the suggestion, though.

    Thread Starter pineconez


    I got it to work, for future reference, here’s how you can have multiple random loops on a single wordpress page:

    <div id="loop1">
    	<?php query_posts($query_string . 'cat=5&showposts=1&orderby=rand'); ?>
    	<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    	<?php the_content(); ?>
    	<?php endwhile; ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>

    * Note that I stripped everything from this loop and it only displays a single post, you are still able to add your own <?php the_title(); ?> etc.

    I assume you can have as many of these on your page as you have categories… Possibilities are endless! Hopefully someone finds this helpful down the road.

    Alright, I figured it out for anyone in the future who might have this same problem.

    First, Get and install the Shadowbox plugin. This is much better than thickbox, and runs the same way.

    now it is as simple as adding this code:

    <div id="comments<?php echo $post->ID ?>" style="display:none">
     <!-- all the php making up the comments section -->
    <a href="#comments<?php echo $post->ID ?>" rel="shadowbox">Add a comment.</a>

    ps. make sure you got enableKeys:false set up in the settings section of the plugin, otherwise the space bar wont work in text fields.

    pps. I just took the parts of the comments.php file that I wanted and put them in the section I have labeled in the code above (which was pretty much all of it).

    peace n blessings
    hope this helps someone

    Here’s a theme I just found that does what I’d like to do, but it seems like they had to add a lot of their own java and things like that to make it work, honestly I wouldn’t know what to take from it to make it work on my own site, because it is so unlike any theme I’ve played with.

    I’m a little bit closer to getting this, and I realize this was posted 9 months ago… But I am stuck too.

    using <?php comments_popup_link(); ?>, I am able to get the thickbox to show up, but it also gives the actual popup… So you now got two places to comment. Whats more, is the thickbox comment area doesnt actually post the comment.

    <?php comments_popup_link('comment.', '1 comment', '% comments', 'thickbox', 'comments off.'); ?>

    Can anbody help with this? I am sure there is someone out there who cant stand the way the whole page reloads whenever somoene wants to add a comment… I’d be happy with an ajax method (similar to “read more right here” plugin), thickbox, whatever. Just something to keep users from having to reload the whole page to see/make comments.


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