Sorry for the late (public) reply.
All you have to do is this:
1. Go to the settings page in your wordpress backend. Here you have to activate geofences (checkbox), enter a geofence url (somelike “geo” or “locate” or whatever you want) and set a “not found url”. This is the url that will show up if the user is not within a geofence.
2. Now go to the tags page and select ” auto generate missing geofence urls”. This will generate a url for all of your tags.
That’s it. If you now visit https://<URL-OF-YOUR-PINGEB.ORG-SITE>/<GEOFENCE-URL> (in our case this is on your mobile device (gps should be activated) and if you are inside a geofence you should get redirected to the assigned wordpress page. Otherwise you will be redirected to the “not found url”.
If this does not work check if your phone locates you correctly with Google Maps or so or you can also set a higher geofence radius on the tags page.