Hey @skyvergesteve,
Thanks for your response.
About the prefix, yeah, for my case I wanted to add a custom prefix throughout the entire store (ex: prefix CB_ => CB_TSHIRT, CB_PANTS, CB_GLASSES etc). But I achieved this by placing a function:
// Sku generator uppercase
function sku_generator_uppercase($sku) {
$prefix = "CB-";
return $prefix . strtoupper($sku);
add_filter('wc_sku_generator_sku', 'sku_generator_uppercase');
Regarding the skus being to uppercase, I’ve added another function:
// Variation sky generator uppercase
function variation_sku_generator_uppercase($sku) {
return strtoupper($sku);
add_filter('wc_sku_generator_variation_sku', 'variation_sku_generator_uppercase');
The only thing that remains is the third point about the variations attributes individually, but for now I don’t really need it. Maybe you should add on the list of future upgrades.