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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: AKismet v BadBehaviorI’ve used all three, and I went back to SK2. Why? I’ve been to about a dozen blogs where I’ve tried to post and it triggered bad behavior when I tried to comment. Also, within a few days of running Akismet, I had several other sites let me know they’ve been trying to trackback to me, and it wasn’t working.
With SK2, I have never had a false positive or negative, and on average, I delete 400-500 spams per day.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Will someone update or create a polling plugin for WP 1.5I wish someone would create a poll plugin that would work within a post. It’ll take a little work, but with the custom fields available per post, it can’t be that hard.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Plugin: Referrer Bouncer – A Plugin to bounce referrer spamJust want to say, it works great. With spam-karma blocking the comments and trackbacks, this was the missing piece that annoyed me everytime I looked at my referrals. I was using .htaccess redirecting everything back to, but this is much easier to manage.
Thanks!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Unspoken- My storyExcellent design. I really like it. Very clean look over the entire page…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: display ad every X entriesI’m not sure myself if the indexing on this site is correct, because I’ve searched several times for postings that I know were here before, and I can’t find them at all now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: wp-plugin managerIf you have root access to the server, you should be able to delete. If you have a standard account with a host provider, you’ll fall into the same situation where you don’t have full access to everything in your user directory.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Minor error in edit.php?I’ve seen the same error and it didn’t make sense when I looked at the code behind it. Maybe I’m missing something…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WYSIWYG Editor For WordPress UpdateOK… one more thing. Apparently the TinyMCE source file and the standard loading file are too different.
You have to make one more change, which unfortunately makes the download about 24k longer.
In the wysiwordpress.php file in the plugins folder, you have to change it from loading the Wysi-Wordpress/tiny_mce.js to the Wysi-Wordpress/tiny_mce_src.js file instead.
Takes a little longer to load, but works better.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WYSIWYG Editor For WordPress UpdateWoo hoo! I found it!
Sort of. It won’t stop it from having to load the ~100k javascript file, but it will prompt you to use it. When you load the page, it will not fully initialize. But when you tab or click into the editing area, it will ask you once if you want to use the wysiwig editor.
In the plugins/Wysi-Wordpress folder, edit the wordpress.js file. add the following line:
ask : true,
somewhere in the middle of the init. I put mine under the relative_urls line. But this is a great compromise!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WYSIWYG Editor For WordPress UpdateI wish I could tell you there was. That is what I spent most of the day working on. However, it appears that if the code isn’t initiated as the page loads, for some reason the whole page goes blank when activated. I am still going to work on it, and hopefully find a definitive answer quickly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Google AutoLinkI actually did the same thing, and then thought about it, and decided against it. Since I am sure Google will be putting into place counter measures, the associated script may have to change. So I use the script provided at Threadwatch unchanged, so that an update can be dropped in place easy enough. Maybe they’ll go for XHTML compliance down the line, but personally, that doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Half the plugins, and such things as Google and Amazon ads won’t validate, aren’t XHTML, but as long as it displays, I’m a happy camper.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: wp-plugin managerI’ve had huge permission problems. It installs the plugins using the UID/GID of the webserver. Which means you usually don’t have rights to delete the plugins.
In order to fix it, I had to whip up a quick script that will do it. In this example, the folder I couldn’t delete was the spell-plugin.‘
<? php chmod(“./spell-plugin”, 0777); ?>
just save that as a fix.php file in the same folder and call it from a web browser. Down and dirty but it worked for me.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WYSIWYG Editor For WordPress UpdateI have come up with a modification to wysiwordpress.php so that you can disable the editor at will. It isn’t an on/off toggle or anything, just a simple way to turn off the WYSI-Wordpress without losing any data.
Add to the wywiwordpress.php before the add_action lines:function wysi_add_button()
if( (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post.php') && !strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'page-new.php')) || $_GET["action"] == 'editcomment' )
return 0;echo <<<END
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("quicktags").innerHTML += "<input type=\"button\" class=\"ed_button\" id=\"ed_list\" value=\"!WYSI\" onclick=\"tinyMCE.removeMCEControl('mce_editor_0');\");\" />";
add_action('admin_footer', 'wysi_add_button');Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WYSIWYG Editor For WordPress UpdateI have a suggestion for the next version of WYSI-Wordpress.
Let me turn it on or off within the editor. I have some people who post on my site that want to use it, and others that don’t. Can you adapt the plugin so that it defaults to on or off, and there is a quicktag button to toggle as necessary while editing?
Even if you can’t make it “on the fly” while a post is actually in progress, just a way to leave it off unless the quicktag button is pressed would be great. I’m looking into what would be necessary for that now…