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  • Thread Starter piskui07


    Hi @shaunkuschel,
    the piece of code you point me change the decimals diplayed to the user, not the decimals used by Woocommerce to do Math operations. So it is not a solution for me.

    Any other ideas/suggestion?

    Thread Starter piskui07


    Ok, thanks for your feedback.
    Just open a bug report here:


    Thread Starter piskui07


    Hi Adam,
    I already tried set all price including tax but this is not a solution.
    Yes… maybe it fix this single test case example but the store has several other products with several different prices and the use case is always valid.

    With price set with tax included the issue is the same when a user from a country not equal to the one of my store try to buy.
    Woocommerce, simplyfing, first remove the VAT in the country of the store and then add the VAT of the country of the user.
    So, dipending on the start price, this is resulting again in 1 cent different on some products cart lines.

    So, again, my question is: Is there a way to set newest Woocommerce version to do math operation using only 2 decimal precision number and not 4 decimal as it do now?

    Thread Starter piskui07


    thanks for your reply.

    I see with 4 decimal numbers all seems good but this is not a solution since for final customer is not good to see 4 digits decimals… let’s say is not “standard” or common way to display numbers. So this is not a solution for my shop (and I think also for other shops).

    I see the issue is reported from several ecommerce and also that it seems a “very old question”. Also searching in Google I don’t find any (up to date) applicable solution.
    The Git discussion you pointed me is about 2017.
    In the meanwhile there is no update in this topic?
    No one has found a fix or a workaround to apply?
    I tried this workaround but code seems to be old compared to the newest Woocommerce so I don’t know if it is ok.
    By the way, it doesn’t fix my issue, but the base idea under the code I think is good. Basically it force the rounding precision to the same value set in the backoffice settings of WP admin. So if decimal numbers to display to user is 2 also math operation is done with this precision. I udnerstand that this can be a workaround but for some shop can be a good solution and, from my point of view, I’d like to give a try.
    So… Is there a way to set newest Woocommerce version to do math operation using only 2 decimal precision number and not 4 decimal as it do now?

    Thread Starter piskui07


    I want to add that
    `WPSEO_Options::get( ‘noindex-ptarchive-‘ . $post_type, false )’
    return true, so it is configured correctly in the backend settings.
    Issue still present.

    Thread Starter piskui07


    Yes, you’re right. After saving again the default settings, now it works.

    Thread Starter piskui07


    Here is the status report:

    [{"label":"wordpress","data":[{"key":"Site URL","value":""},{"key":"Home URL","value":""},{"key":"WP Version","value":"4.3.1"},{"key":"WP Multisite","value":"No"},{"key":"WP Language","value":"en_US"},{"key":"WP Debug Mode","value":"No"},{"key":"WP Active Plugins","value":"3"},{"key":"WP Max Upload Size","value":"8 MB"},{"key":"WP Memory Limit","value":"40M"},{"key":"WP Timezone","value":"Europe/Rome (UTC+01:00)"}]},{"label":"server","data":[{"key":"PHP Version","value":"5.3.3-7+squeeze17"},{"key":"Software","value":"Apache"}]},{"label":"settings","data":[{"key":"Version","value":"3.2.9"},{"key":"DB Version","value":"1"},{"key":"Tickets Slug","value":"ticket"},{"key":"Products Slug","value":"product"},{"key":"Multiple Products","value":"Disabled"},{"key":"Registration Status","value":"Closed"},{"key":"Registration Page","value":"Default"},{"key":"Uploads Folder","value":"The upload folder doesn't exist but can be created"},{"key":"Allowed File Types","value":"None"},{"key":"WYSIWYG On Front","value":"No"}]},{"label":"pages","data":[{"key":"Ticket Submission","value":" (#5)"},{"key":"Tickets List","value":" (#4)"}]},{"label":"email-notifications","data":[{"key":"Sender Name","value":"Supporto"},{"key":"Sender E-Mail","value":"[email protected]"},{"key":"Reply-To E-Mail","value":"[email protected]"},{"key":"Submission Confirmation","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"New Assignment","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"New Agent Reply","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"New Client Reply","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"Ticket Closed","value":"Enabled"}]},{"label":"custom-fields","data":[{"key":"Test Testo","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: No, Required: No, Logged: No, Show Column: No, Taxonomy: No, Callback: text"},{"key":"Upload File","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: No, Required: No, Logged: No, Show Column: No, Taxonomy: No, Callback: upload"},{"key":"Support Staff","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: Yes, Required: No, Logged: Yes, Show Column: No, Taxonomy: No, Callback: text"},{"key":"Status","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: Yes, Required: No, Logged: No, Show Column: Yes, Taxonomy: No, Callback:"},{"key":"Ticket Tag","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: Yes, Required: No, Logged: Yes, Show Column: Yes, Taxonomy: Yes (standard), Callback: taxonomy"}]},{"label":"plugins","data":[{"key":"Installed","value":"Awesome Support: My Custom Fields by ThemeAvenue version 0.1.0, Awesome Support by ThemeAvenue version 3.2.9, Configure SMTP by Scott Reilly version 3.1"}]},{"label":"theme","data":[{"key":"Theme Name:","value":"Twenty Fifteen"},{"key":"Theme Version:","value":"1.3"},{"key":"Theme Author URL:","value":""},{"key":"Is Child Theme:","value":"No"}]},{"label":"templates","data":[{"key":"Overrides:","value":"There is no template override"}]}]

    Thread Starter piskui07



    Thread Starter piskui07


    Here is the url again:
    Let me know when I can remove it (privacy reason).

    And this is the debug report you asked in the other forum thread (

    [{"label":"wordpress","data":[{"key":"Site URL","value":""},{"key":"Home URL","value":""},{"key":"WP Version","value":"4.3.1"},{"key":"WP Multisite","value":"No"},{"key":"WP Language","value":"en_US"},{"key":"WP Debug Mode","value":"No"},{"key":"WP Active Plugins","value":"3"},{"key":"WP Max Upload Size","value":"8 MB"},{"key":"WP Memory Limit","value":"40M"},{"key":"WP Timezone","value":"Europe/Rome (UTC+01:00)"}]},{"label":"server","data":[{"key":"PHP Version","value":"5.3.3-7+squeeze17"},{"key":"Software","value":"Apache"}]},{"label":"settings","data":[{"key":"Version","value":"3.2.9"},{"key":"DB Version","value":"1"},{"key":"Tickets Slug","value":"ticket"},{"key":"Products Slug","value":"product"},{"key":"Multiple Products","value":"Disabled"},{"key":"Registration Status","value":"Closed"},{"key":"Registration Page","value":"Default"},{"key":"Uploads Folder","value":"The upload folder doesn't exist but can be created"},{"key":"Allowed File Types","value":"None"},{"key":"WYSIWYG On Front","value":"No"}]},{"label":"pages","data":[{"key":"Ticket Submission","value":" (#5)"},{"key":"Tickets List","value":" (#4)"}]},{"label":"email-notifications","data":[{"key":"Sender Name","value":"Supporto"},{"key":"Sender E-Mail","value":"[email protected]"},{"key":"Reply-To E-Mail","value":"[email protected]"},{"key":"Submission Confirmation","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"New Assignment","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"New Agent Reply","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"New Client Reply","value":"Enabled"},{"key":"Ticket Closed","value":"Enabled"}]},{"label":"custom-fields","data":[{"key":"Test Testo","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: No, Required: No, Logged: No, Show Column: No, Taxonomy: No, Callback: text"},{"key":"Upload File","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: No, Required: No, Logged: No, Show Column: No, Taxonomy: No, Callback: upload"},{"key":"Support Staff","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: Yes, Required: No, Logged: Yes, Show Column: No, Taxonomy: No, Callback: text"},{"key":"Status","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: Yes, Required: No, Logged: No, Show Column: Yes, Taxonomy: No, Callback:"},{"key":"Ticket Tag","value":"Capability: create_ticket, Core: Yes, Required: No, Logged: Yes, Show Column: Yes, Taxonomy: Yes (standard), Callback: taxonomy"}]},{"label":"plugins","data":[{"key":"Installed","value":"Awesome Support: My Custom Fields by ThemeAvenue version 0.1.0, Awesome Support by ThemeAvenue version 3.2.9, Configure SMTP by Scott Reilly version 3.1"}]},{"label":"theme","data":[{"key":"Theme Name:","value":"Twenty Fifteen"},{"key":"Theme Version:","value":"1.3"},{"key":"Theme Author URL:","value":""},{"key":"Is Child Theme:","value":"No"}]},{"label":"templates","data":[{"key":"Overrides:","value":"There is no template override"}]}]


    Thread Starter piskui07


    User created:
    User: TestTest
    Pass: TestTest

    Now, that you can check my test website… can you check also my other ticket:


    Thread Starter piskui07



    Thread Starter piskui07


    that option was already checked.
    In the frontend i can’t see a TinyMCE editor, only a simple textarea.
    This is the HTML produced in the page:

    <div id="wpas_message_wrapper" class="wpas-form-group"><label for="wpas_message">Description</label><textarea required="" name="wpas_message" class="wpas-form-control WPAS_CF_Wysiwyg" id="wpas_message" rows="8" cols="20"></textarea></div>

    No javascript error displayed. I’m using the default WP theme Twenty Fifteen.
    How can I resolve?

    Thread Starter piskui07


    Hi, sorry for the delay.
    Changing Text with text in the field type has been succesful and now I see the custom field on the ticket backends side.

    The problem still is present with the “upload field”. I can upload the file in the frontend but it doesn’t display in the backend.
    I’ve also checked the “wordpress write permissions” and it is ok.
    WP and Plugin is the latest version avaiable.
    What can i do?

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