I’m a web designer, been doing it for years, and I’ve come up with ways to set up sites, name files, links files, etc, that I feel are more efficient, easier to maintain, etc. Although lots of it is personal opinion, lots of it is agreed upon in the web community as best practice and could be taught to newbies. For instance, I wouldn’t tell a newbie to just dump all their images for a site into the root folder with the HTML files. I’d tell them to make a folder named “images” and stick them there.
So I guess that’s what I’m asking for. I know it ultimately comes down to personal opinion, but you guys have been working with blogs and know the pitfalls of different setups, so I’m looking for your expert advice. It appears most of you would advise I just keep everything in WordPress?
Nnyan, I’m interested in e107 and Drupal. Are these as easy to use and customizable as WordPress? I’m not a programmer at all, so it needs to be something easy to work with. Thanks.